

Sitecore Package Autoloader

Automate deployment and installation of packages to the Sitecore initalize pipeline

Example Usages

How it works.

For an example review the PackageAutoLoaderDemo project in this repo


Setting the property <Async>true</true> it allows the system to not block the initialize thread for installation, this should limit the time impact.


Descriptors describe to the module what, where and how things should be installed. All descriptors require or allow certain options to be present. Out of the box descriptors include PackageAutoloaderDescriptor which allow the embedding of zip files into dll files to simplify build/release needs and PackageFileLoaderDescriptor which manages a package from a filepath location that another process will deliver to.

Two stock types of descriptors

Autoloader type (embedded resource)

You would use this type of loader if you have small packages that won't cause problems loaded into memory with the DLL and you don't want to fiddle with a custom deploy method for your packages.

main menu

File Loader type (filesystem resource)

You would use this type of loader if you have a large package that would would problematic to load into memory and you have a process to deploy the packages to the server. NOTE: This location can be anywhere accessable by the web server.

Descriptor examples

If any item in the package is missing from the environment.

	public class DemoDescriptor : PackageAutoloaderDescriptor
		public override string PackageNamespace => "PackageAutoloaderDemo.demo.zip";
		public override bool AllItemsExist => true;
		public override List<DescriptorItemRequirements> Requirements => new List<DescriptorItemRequirements>();

If an item with a particular ID is missing from Sitecore

	public class DemoDescriptor : PackageAutoloaderDescriptor
		public override string PackageNamespace => "PackageAutoloaderDemo.demo.zip";
		public override List<DescriptorItemRequirements> Requirements => new List<DescriptorItemRequirements>()
			new DescriptorItemRequirements()
				Database = "master",
				ItemId = new ID("{76036F5E-CBCE-46D1-AF0A-4143F9B557AA}")

If an item with a set particular field value exists, must match all fields

	public class DemoDescriptor : PackageAutoloaderDescriptor
		public override string PackageNamespace => "PackageAutoloaderDemo.demo.zip";

		public override List<DescriptorItemRequirements> Requirements => new List<DescriptorItemRequirements>()
			new DescriptorItemRequirements()
				Database = "master",
				ItemId = new ID("{76036F5E-CBCE-46D1-AF0A-4143F9B557AA}"),
				RequiredFields = new List<KeyValuePair<ID, string>>()
					new KeyValuePair<ID, string>(new ID("{1036F5E-CBCE-46D1-AF0A-4143F9B529QZ}"), "SOME STUFF"),
					new KeyValuePair<ID, string>(new ID("{413478C3-5C14-4B27-8FA5-C1449BABE71A}"), "SOME OTHER STUFF")

If an item with one of several fields that matches, they don't all need to, just one

	public class DemoDescriptor : PackageAutoloaderDescriptor
		public override bool AllDescriptorItemRequirementsMustBeValid => false;
		public override string PackageNamespace => "PackageAutoloaderDemo.demo.zip";

		public override List<DescriptorItemRequirements> Requirements => new List<DescriptorItemRequirements>()
			new DescriptorItemRequirements()
				Database = "master",
				ItemId = new ID("{76036F5E-CBCE-46D1-AF0A-4143F9B557AA}"),
				RequiredFields = new List<KeyValuePair<ID, string>>()
					new KeyValuePair<ID, string>(new ID("{1036F5E-CBCE-46D1-AF0A-4143F9B529QZ}"), "SOME STUFF"),
					new KeyValuePair<ID, string>(new ID("{413478C3-5C14-4B27-8FA5-C1449BABE71A}"), "SOME OTHER STUFF")

If the current date is before a specific time

public class DemoDescriptor : PackageAutoloaderDescriptor
		public override string PackageNamespace => "PackageAutoloaderDemo.demo.zip";
		public override bool CustomRequirement()
			return DateTime.Now < new DateTime(2020, 1, 22);

		public override List<DescriptorItemRequirements> Requirements => new List<DescriptorItemRequirements>();

If the custom logic passes

	public class DemoDescriptor : PackageAutoloaderDescriptor
		public override string PackageNamespace => "PackageAutoloaderDemo.demo.zip";
		public override bool CustomRequirement()
			// Any kind of business logic you need
			return Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.RecycleBinActive;

		public override List<DescriptorItemRequirements> Requirements => new List<DescriptorItemRequirements>();

If you want to update the install behavior for the package

Note here we're using the file path package

	public class DemoDescriptor2 : PackageFileLoaderDescriptor
		public override IItemInstallerEvents ItemInstallerEvents => 
			new DefaultItemInstallerEvents(new BehaviourOptions(InstallMode.Overwrite, MergeMode.Undefined));

		public override List<DescriptorItemRequirements> Requirements => null;

		public override string RelativeFilePath => "/PackageAutoloader/demo2.zip";

If you want to install a package that has a dependency on another package

Note here we're using the file path package

	public class DemoDescriptor3 : PackageFileLoaderDescriptor
		public override List<Type> Dependencies => new List<Type>

		public override List<DescriptorItemRequirements> Requirements => new List<DescriptorItemRequirements>()
			new DescriptorItemRequirements()
				Database = "master",
				ItemId = new ID("{FEAB7DBD-7FFA-405F-939D-402093C02A81}")

		public override string RelativeFilePath => "/PackageAutoloader/demo3.zip";

Custom Descriptors

If you have a particular model that you regularly follow, you can easilly create your own or extend an existing descriptor by Extending the DescriptorBase abstract class.