Why twitterati
We like to uncomplicate things, and wrappers (except when they actually wrap :gift ) do exactly that.
This package serves as a wrapper for Twitter API V2 Early Access, for more info:
What is new in Twitter API V2?
- Pick and choose which fields you want the API to return
- Advanced insights using annotations, which adds named entity tags to certain topics, such as (Barack Obama, PERSON)
- Filtered Streaming capabilities (not yet supported by twitterati)
- More expressive query languages
Functions supported by twitterati 0.0.3:
- Tweet lookup by Tweet ID
- Whole conversation lookup by Conversation ID
- Recent search for query terms over past 7 days
- Count occurrences of query term over past 7 days
- User lookup by User ID
- Follows lookup by User ID
Before you get started:
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the Twitter Developer API:
Also, take note of the restricted use cases, detailed here:
You will need to register an account and an application to collect your Bearer token:
Take note of the rate limits: the Standard Track limits the number of tweets you can collect to 500,000 per month.
You must keep all API keys or other access credentials private.
pip3 install twitterati
Once allocated, you can export your bearer token to your environment:
Getting a user's metadata
from twitterati import lookups
user = lookups.get_user_profile(user_id)
Getting all the tweets that contain a search term over the past 7 days
from twitterati import lookups
tweets = lookups.recent_search_lookup('python', max_count = 1000)
Count the number of tweets that contain a search term over the past 7 days
from twitterati import lookups
counts = lookups.count_recent_tweets('python')
Getting a conversation by conversation_id:
from twitterati import lookups
convo = lookups.conversation_lookup(conversation_id)