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Incomplete Multi-view Clustering (IMC)

Collections for incomplete multi-view clustering methods (papers and codes). We are looking forward for other participants to share their papers and codes. If interested, please contact zhangpei@nudt.edu.cn.

[:bell: News! :bell: ] Update at November 2022.



A survey on multi-view learning2017IEEE transactions on artificial intelligence
Multi-view learning overview: Recent progress and new challenges2017Information Fusion
Multi-view clustering: A survey2018Big Data Mining and Analytics
A study of graph-based system for multi-view clustering2019Knowledge-Based Systems
An overview of recent multi-view clustering2020Neurocomputing
A Survey on Incomplete Multiview Clustering2022IEEE TSMCA
Representation Learning in Multi-view Clustering: A Literature Review2022Data Science and Engineering

Kernel IMC

Incomplete Multi-view ClusteringIVC2016-
Late fusion incomplete multi-view clusteringLF-IMVC2018IEEE TPAMIcode
Localized Incomplete Multiple Kernel k-means2018IJCAI
Multiple kernel k-means with incomplete kernelsMKKM-IK-MK2019IEEE TPAMIcode
Efficient and effective incomplete multi-view clusteringEE-IMVC2019AAAI
Efficient and effective regularized incomplete multi-view clusteringEE-R-IMVC2020IEEE TPAMIcode
One-Stage Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Late FusionOS-LF-IMVC2021ACM MMcode
Incomplete multiple kernel alignment maximization for clustering2021IEEE TPAMI
Localized Incomplete Multiple Kernel k-Means With Matrix-Induced Regularization2021IEEE TCYB
Dynamic Incomplete Multi-view Imputing and Clustering2022ACM MM

Subspace IMC

Partial Multi-View ClusteringPVC2014AAAIcode
Multiple Incomplete Views Clustering via Weighted Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with $L_{21}$ RegularizationMIC2015Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Subspace Learning2015CIKM
Multi-view learning with incomplete views2015IEEE TIP
Online Multi-view Clustering with Incomplete ViewsOMVC2016IEEE International Conference on Big Datacode
Incomplete multi-modal visual data groupingIMG2016IJCAIcode
Unified subspace learning for incomplete and unlabeled multi-view data2017Pattern Recognition
Incomplete multi-view clustering via graph regularized matrix factorizationIMC_GRMF2018ECCVcode
Partial multi-view subspace clustering2018ACM MM
Doubly aligned incomplete multi-view clusteringDAIMC2018IJCAIcode
Joint embedding learning and low-rank approximation: A framework for incomplete multiview learning2019IEEE TCYB
One-pass incomplete multi-view clusteringOPIMC2019AAAIcode
Unified embedding alignment with missing views inferring for incomplete multi-view clusteringUEAF2019AAAI
ICMSC: Incomplete cross-modal subspace clustering2020IEEE TIP
Generalized Incomplete Multi-view Clustering With Flexible Locality Structure Diffusion2021IEEE TCYB
Self-representation subspace clustering for incomplete multi-view dataIMSR2022ACM MMcode
Highly-efficient incomplete large-scale multi-view clustering with consensus bipartite graph2022CVPR
High-order correlation preserved incomplete multi-view subspace clustering2022IEEE TIP
Localized Sparse Incomplete Multi-view Clustering2022IEEE TMM
Incomplete multi-view clustering with cosine similarity2022Pattern Recognition

Graph IMC

Spectral perturbation meets incomplete multi-view dataPIC2019IJCAIcode
A Survey on Incomplete Multiview Clustering2019IJCAI
Anchors bring ease: An embarrassingly simple approach to partial multi-view clustering2019AAAI
Adaptive graph completion based incomplete multi-view clustering2020IEEE TMM
Incomplete Multiview Spectral Clustering with Adaptive Graph LearningIMSC_AGL2020IEEE TCYBcode
A novel consensus learning approach to incomplete multi-view clustering2021Pattern Recognition
Incomplete multi-view clustering with joint partition and graph learning2021IEEE TKDE
Incomplete multi-view clustering with reconstructed views2021IEEE TKDE
Consensus guided incomplete multi-view spectral clustering2021Neural Networks
Refining Graph Structure for Incomplete Multi-View Clustering2022IEEE TNNLS
Auto-weighted sample-level fusion with anchors for incomplete multi-view clustering2022Pattern Recognition
Structured anchor-inferred graph learning for universal incomplete multi-view clustering2022World Wide Web
Incomplete Multi-view Clustering with Sample-level Auto-weighted Graph Fusion2022IEEE TKDE

Tensor IMC

Unified tensor framework for incomplete multi-view clustering and missing-view inferring2021AAAI
Tensor-Based Multi-View Block-Diagonal Structure Diffusion for Clustering Incomplete Multi-View Data2021ICME
Incomplete Multi-View Subspace Clustering with Low-Rank Tensor2021ICASSP

Deep IMC

Incomplete multi-view clustering via deep semantic mapping2018Neurocomputing
Partial Multi-view Clustering via Consistent GAN2018ICDM
Adversarial Incomplete Multi-view ClusteringAIMC2019IJCAI
CPM-Nets: Cross partial multi-view networks2019NeurIPS
Deep incomplete multi-view multiple clusterings2020ICDM
CDIMC-net: Cognitive Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering NetworkCDIMC-net2020IJCAIcode
Dimc-net: Deep incomplete multi-view clustering networkDIMC-net2020ACM MM
Structural Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering Network2021CIKM
Clustering-Induced Adaptive Structure Enhancing Network for Incomplete Multi-View DataCASEN2021IJCAI
Generative partial multi-view clustering with adaptive fusion and cycle consistency2021IEEE TIP
COMPLETER: Incomplete multi-view clustering via contrastive predictionCOMPLETER2021CVPRcode
Incomplete multi-view clustering via cross-view relation transfer2022IEEE TCSVT
Robust Diversified Graph Contrastive Network for Incomplete Multi-view Clustering2022ACM MM
Group Correspondence: A Statistical Perspective for Incomplete Multi-View Clustering Augmentation2022ICME
Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Mining Cluster ComplementarityDIMVC2022AAAITensorFlow
Robust multi-view clustering with incomplete informationSURE2022IEEE TPAMIPyTorch
Dual contrastive prediction for incomplete multi-view representation learningDCP2022IEEE TPAMIcode
Graph Contrastive Partial Multi-View ClusteringAGCL2022IEEE TMMcode
Deep safe incomplete multi-view clustering: Theorem and algorithmDSIMVC2022ICMLcode