




Customize Bookmarks

Bookmarks are now held in the bookmarks.js file for easy updating. bookmarks is an array of objects with a title and links property. The title defines what the header of the "bookmark section" box will be. link is an array of link objects each with a name and a url to link to.

The way the site is currently styled bookmarks should always have a length of 4 if you want to have more sections you need to change the width property of the css class bookmark-set

Customize Search Engine

You can change the search engine used by the search overlay by updating the url value stored in the searchUrl var in index.html to the correct string for your engine.


Customize Styling

Styles are handled through CSS variables. To update the colors you just need to change the variable definitions defined in :root.

--bg#5f4b8bDefines the body background color
--fg#ffffffDefines the primary foreground (text) color for clock, weather, and titles
--secondaryFg#b3b3b3Defines the foreground (text) color for links
--containerBg#272727Defines the background color of the boxes
--searchBg--containerBgDefines the background color of the search overlay
--scrollbarColor#3f3f3fDefines the color of the custom scrollbars
--fontFamily"Roboto Mono", monospaceDefines the font used. To change to a custom font you will also have to import that font from whatever source is available