


Tensorflow implementation of Generalized End-to-End Loss for Speaker Verification (Kaggle, paperswithcode). This paper is based on the previous work End-to-End Text-Dependent Speaker Verification.

Speaker Verification


python main.py --train True --model_path where_you_want_to_save                 # training
python main.py --train False --model_path model_path used at training phase     # test



I trained the model with my notebook CPU. The model hyperpameters are following the paper:

To finish training and test in time, I used smaller batch (4 speakers x 5 utterances) than the paper. I used the first 85% of the dataset as training set and used the remained parts as the testset. In the below, I used softmax loss (however, the contrastive loss is also implemented in this code). On my environment, it takes less than 1s for calculating 40 utterances embedding.

  1. TD-SV
    For each utterance, random noise is added at each forward step. I tested a model after 60000 iteration. As a result, Equal Error Rate (EER) is 0, and we can see the model performs well with a small population. <img src=Results/TDSV_loss.JPG width="300">

The figure below contains a similarity matrix and its EER, FAR, and FRR. Here, each matrix corresponds to each speaker. If we call the first matrix as A (5x4), then A[i,j] means the cosine similarity between the first speaker's i^th vertification utterance and the j^th speaker's enrollment.

<img src=Results/TDSV_결과.JPG width="400">

  1. TI-SV
    Randomly selected utterances are used. I tested the model after 60000 iteration. Here, Equal Error Rate (EER) is 0.09.

<img src=Results/TISV_loss.JPG width="300">

<img src=Results/TISV_결과.JPG width="400">


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