

Setup Manager Icon

Setup Manager

"Every Assistant has a Manager"

Setup Manager Logo

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setup manager progress dialog

What it does

There are many enrollment progress tools available for Mac admins, each with their own strengths. Jamf Setup Manager approaches the problem from the perspective of an IT service provider.

Setup Manager offers many of the same features of these utilities but is especially useful for the case where an IT department or provisioning depot wants to ensure that a new Mac is properly configured and assigned before sending the device to its new user. It runs over Setup Assistant before a user is created so it won't interfere with MDM-capable user or the secure token flow for FileVault. You can control which policies and installations Setup Manager runs with a configuration profile.

Setup Manager provides:

Installation and Configuration

Configuration Profile

The structure of the configuration profile is documented here.

There is also a custom schema for Jamf Pro.


Setup Manager requires macOS 12.0.0 or higher. It will work only with Jamf Pro or Jamf School.

Known Issues

Please report issues, feature requests, and feedback (positive and negative) as an issue.