

<p align="center"> <img src="media/promo.png" alt="Screenshot of atto showing code to print the Fibonacci Sequence" width="60%"> </p> <h1 align="center"><code>atto</code></h1> <p align="center"><strong>The new BASIC computer that runs in your browser!</strong></p> <p align="center">Try it live: <a href="https://atto.devicefuture.org" target="_blank">atto.devicefuture.org</a></p>

What is atto?

atto is a virtual fantasy computer system that's designed to teach people coding through a BASIC-like programming language.

atto is a mix of simplicity from the days of 1980s computing, paired with the modern functionality of computers today.


Educational programming languages today don't give the user quite the same sense of ownership and accomplishment that BASIC gave when it was the predominant language of its time. Additionally, other programming languages do have their strengths and weaknesses:

atto seeks to combine the best of both languages. BASIC has been proven to be a great programming language for learning with, since entire generations of kids became interested in the field of computer science in the 80s. Our text-based BASIC derivative hopes to use the success of the BASIC language and combine it with the modern systems of today.


atto is still in development, but hopefully, it'll have the following features: