

BrnoCompSpeed Dataset Evaluation Code

Dataset published with paper SOCHOR Jakub et al. Comprehensive Data Set for Automatic Single Camera Visual Speed Measurement, IEEE T-ITS


To download the dataset, reach out to Jakub Špaňhel - ispanhel@fit.vutbr.cz.

How to use the code

  1. Install PYTHON2, packages you might NOT have: numpy, scipy, matplotlib, tabulate
  2. Download the dataset and place the results and dataset folders from the downloaded archive on the same level as the code folder (root of the repository).
  1. (Optional) Modify paths in file code/dataset_info.py
  2. Check file code/config.py. The most important variables are RUN_FOR_SYSTEMS and RUN_FOR_VIDEOS.
  3. Run in code direcotory: python eval.py and wait. The results will be computed, shown and cached in results directory. The script eval.py has several arguments, so you can use --help for explanation of the arguments. I STRONGLY recommend to use ipython, spyder or similar terminals.

Additional information

How to generate your own result JSON files

