

<h1 align=center > :sparkles: Tapnesh :sparkles: </h1>

Awesome Tapnesh is a CLI bash script which will optimize all your images in parallel easily and efficiently!
You can use it on a single image or specify a whole directory.


Image Size: 1920x1080
:star: Before => Original size: 863kb before

:star: After => Optimized Size: 304kb (64.85% size decreased using -q 70 in 0.06 seconds) after


Optimize single image
tapnesh img.png

Optimize single image with 75% of quality
tapnesh img.jpg -q 75

Optimize images in mydir directory
tapnesh mydir

Optimize images in mydir directory recursive tapnesh mydir -R

Optimize single image and keep old file
tapnesh img.jpg -k

Optimize whole directory and keep old files with 85% of quality
tapnesh mydir -R -q 85 -k


Usage: tapnesh [-q|--quality <arg>] [-R|--(no-)recursive] [-v|--(no-)verbose] [-k|--(no-)keep] [-h|--help] <path>
        <path>: Path to directory for optimization
        -q, --quality: Sets quality for optimized images, can be a value from 1 to 100. (100 means lossless optimization) (default: '80')
        -R, --recursive, --no-recursive: Do recursive (off by default)
        -v, --verbose, --no-verbose: Be verbose (off by default)
        -k, --keep, --no-keep: Keep old files (off by default)
        -h, --help: Prints help


You'll first need to install the dependencies

Ubuntu and other Debian based distros:
sudo apt install pngquant parallel jpegoptim

sudo pacman -S pngquant parallel jpegoptim

Other distros: Just install pngquant parallel jpegoptim using your package manager.

Currently, only gnu\linux based distros are supported.


If you trust me, just run this in your terminal
curl -Ss https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JafarAkhondali/Tapnesh/master/install.sh | bash
else: just copy the tapnesh.sh to some executable path


:robot: TapneshBot:
A dockerized telegram bot which can optimize your images using telegram messenger. @tapneshbot



How does it work?

Tapnesh is only a wrapper to optimize images using jpegoptim for jpe?g and pngquant for png files. If optimizing multiple images (for example, working on a directory), Tapnesh uses parallel package under the hood to work optimize images per one cpu core.


Are you a user?
Please suggest your requirements, ideas and bugs in issues.

Are you a developer?

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request


GNU General Public License v3