


list with 1 item list of lists with 1 list

This is a simple Wishlist app, to keep track of things you'd like. If anyone buys you anything from it, they can mark it down as such, so you don't get duplicates.

Why did I make this?





Get Appwrite running. You can do this by following the instructions on the Appwrite website.

Project initialisation

Install dependencies for this project:

pnpm install

It might make more sense using appwrite-cli for this, using appwrite.json. I wasn't aware of it when I made the setup script, which is now outdated.

Create a new project within Appwrite, and create a new API key. Subsitute the values in the below command with your API key and Project ID. Replace the endpoint if using your own instance.

pnpm run setup --key=YOUR-API-KEY --project=YOUR-PROJECT-ID --endpoint=https://cloud.appwrite.io/v1

This will then go through and set up the collections you need. You then need to set up the authentication settings depending on your preferences.

Then, move the created output.env file to .env.

You can also set the below options in the .env file:

Appwrite App config

Then, create a "Web" app within Appwrite, to your liking.

It should then all be set up and ready to go.

Just build it and deploy it to wherever you want. It doesn't need any backup setup (other than Appwrite), but you will need SPA support for vue-router.

Project Setup

pnpm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

pnpm dev

Compile and Minify for Production

pnpm build

Format with Prettier and lint with ESLint

pnpm format && pnpm lint