

<p align="center"> <img alt="hedron logo" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/garetmckinley/project-assets/master/hedron/hedron-header.svg?sanitize=true" id="dracula-invert"> </p>

Quick Jump



The follow dependencies must be installed in your project in order for hedron to work.


Using yarn

yarn add hedron@next

Using npm

npm install hedron@next


Basic Example

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Grid from "hedron";

const App = () => (
  <Grid.Bounds direction="vertical">

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

Responsive Example

To make your layout responsive, use the Grid.Provider to define breakpoints. You can add as many or as few breakpoints as you'd like.

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Grid from "hedron";

const App = () => (
    breakpoints={{ sm: "-500", md: "501-750", lg: "+750" }}
    <Grid.Bounds direction="vertical">
      <Grid.Box sm={{ hidden: true }}>
        This header hides on small screens
      <Grid.Box lg={{ padding: "50px" }}>
        This footer gains extra padding on large screens

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

If you want to be more verbose with your naming convention, that's perfectly fine too! Go ahead and name your breakpoints whatever feels right

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Grid from "hedron";

const App = () => (
    breakpoints={{ mobile: "-500", tablet: "501-750", wide: "+750" }}
    <Grid.Bounds direction="vertical">
      <Grid.Box mobile={{ hidden: true }}>Header</Grid.Box>
      <Grid.Bounds direction="vertical" wide={{ direction: "horizontal" }}>
        <Grid.Box>These boxes render side by side on wide screens</Grid.Box>
        <Grid.Box>These boxes render side by side on wide screens</Grid.Box>

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

You don't need to fill all screen sizes either, if you only need elements to change on a single resolution, just add a single breakpoint! To learn more about breakpoints, check out the documentation for Grid.Provider.


Unfortunately, there's no simple way to upgrade from the pre 1.0.0 version, but here's a few tips to make your life easier if you decide to upgrade (which we recommend doing!)

Also: There are no longer default breakpoints. You must define breakpoints yourself via Grid.Provider. You can also finally set custom breakpoints, as many as you want!




<details><summary><strong>Defining Breakpoints</strong></summary><p>

Defining breakpoints gives you strong control over the way your content is rendered at various screen sizes. Any property that can be set on Grid.Box can be set per-breakpoint. Here's a few things to keep in mind when defining breakpoints:

</p></details> <details><summary><strong>Restricted Breakpoint Names</strong></summary><p>

Although you can name breakpoints whatever you want, there are a few names that we do not recommend using because they will conflict with existing property names. Most of these are pretty obvious and would never come up in real usage, but it's worth having a list here just to be sure!




Grid.Bounds also inherits all properties that Stylable has.

Grid.Bounds accepts aliases for the width property.

Available aliases are:

<Grid.Bounds sm={{ width: "half", height: "200px" }}>
  This box gains height on small devices



Grid.Box also inherits all properties that Stylable has.

Grid.Box accepts aliases for the width property.

Available aliases are:

<Grid.Box sm={{ width: "half", height: "200px" }}>
  This box gains height on small devices



<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/syntra/assets/master/syntra-sponsorship.svg?sanitize=true"/>