

.CryptoClients.Net CryptoClients.Net

.NET License

CryptoClients.Net is a collection of different cryptocurrency exchange client libraries based on the same base library. CryptoClients.Net bundles the different client libraries in a single package and adds some additional tools to make use of them.


For more information on what CryptoExchange.Net and its client libraries offers see the Documentation.

Supported Frameworks

The library is targeting both .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Standard 2.1 for optimal compatibility

.NET implementationVersion Support
.NET Core2.0 and higher
.NET Framework4.6.1 and higher
Mono5.4 and higher
Xamarin.iOS10.14 and higher
Xamarin.Android8.0 and higher
UWP10.0.16299 and higher
Unity2018.1 and higher

Supported Exchanges

The following API's are included in CryptoClients.Net:

BinanceJKorf/Binance.NetNuget version
BingXJKorf/BingX.NetNuget version
BitfinexJKorf/Bitfinex.NetNuget version
BitgetJKorf/Bitget.NetNuget version
BitMartJKorf/BitMart.NetNuget version
BybitJKorf/Bybit.NetNuget version
CoinExJKorf/CoinEx.NetNuget version
CoinGeckoJKorf/CoinGecko.NetNuget version
Gate.ioJKorf/GateIo.NetNuget version
HTXJKorf/HTX.NetNuget version
KrakenJKorf/Kraken.NetNuget version
KucoinJKorf/Kucoin.NetNuget version
MexcJKorf/Mexc.NetNuget version
OKXJKorf/OKX.NetNuget version

Install the library


NuGet version Nuget downloads

dotnet add package CryptoClients.Net

GitHub packages

CryptoClients.Net is available on GitHub packages. You'll need to add https://nuget.pkg.github.com/JKorf/index.json as a NuGet package source.

Download release

GitHub Release

The NuGet package files are added along side the source with the latest GitHub release which can found here.

How to use

Get a client

There are 2 main clients, the ExchangeRestClient and ExchangeSocketClient, for accessing the REST and Websocket API respectively. All exchange API's are available via these clients.
Alternatively exchange specific clients can be used, for example BinanceRestClient or KucoinSocketClient. Either create new clients directly or use Dotnet dependency injection.


// Client for accessing all exchanges
IExchangeRestClient restClient = new ExchangeRestClient();
IExchangeSocketClient socketClient = new ExchangeSocketClient();

// Exchange specific clients
IBinanceRestClient binanceRestClient = new BinanceRestClient();
IKucoinSocketClient kucoinSocketClient = new KucoinSocketClient();

Dependency injection

// Dependency injection, allows the injection of `IExchangeRestClient`, `IExchangeSocketClient` and `IExchangeOrderBookFactory` interfaces
// as well as for all exchanges the `I[ExchangeName]RestClient`, `I[ExchangeName]SocketClient` and `I[ExchangeName]OrderBookFactory` types


Clients can be configured when doing the dependency injection registration, or when constructing the clients. Configuration can be done for all exchanges/clients, can be set per exchange or a combination:

builder.Services.AddCryptoClients(globalOptions =>
    // Global options apply to each exchange/client
    globalOptions.OutputOriginalData = true;
	// Set credentials for the different exchanges, will be applied to both REST and socket clients
    globalOptions.ApiCredentials = new CryptoClients.Net.Models.ExchangeCredentials
        Binance = new ApiCredentials("BinanceKey", "BinanceSecret"),
        Kucoin = new KucoinApiCredentials("KucoinKey", "KucoinSecret", "KucoinPassphrase"),
        OKX = new OKXApiCredentials("OKXKey", "OKXSecret", "OKXPassphrase")
bybitRestOptions: bybitOptions =>
    // Specify options specifically for a specific exchange and client, in this case the Bybit REST client
    bybitOptions.Environment = Bybit.Net.BybitEnvironment.Netherlands;
    bybitOptions.ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("BybitKey", "BybitSecret");

Using the client

There are multiple options for accessing exchange API's. Options 1 and 2 allow access to the full exchange API while option 3 uses a common interface which allows exchange agnostic requesting, but is therefor limited in functionality.
Option 3 is currently only supported for the Spot REST API's.

// Option 1
// Use exchange clients directly, full functionality
var kucoinClient1 = new KucoinRestClient();
var binanceClient1 = new BinanceRestClient();
var binanceResult1 = await binanceClient1.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetTickerAsync("ETHUSDT");
var kucoinResult1 = await kucoinClient1.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetTickerAsync("ETH-USDT");

// Option 2
// Use exchange client via ExchangeRestClient, full functionality
var restClient2 = new ExchangeRestClient();
var baseAsset2 = "ETH";
var quoteAsset2 = "USDT";
var binanceResult2 = await restClient2.Binance.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetTickerAsync(restClient2.Binance.SpotApi.FormatSymbol(baseAsset2, quoteAsset2));
var kucoinResult2 = await restClient2.Kucoin.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetTickerAsync(restClient2.Kucoin.SpotApi.FormatSymbol(baseAsset2, quoteAsset2));

// Option 3
// Use unified spot client via GetUnifiedSpotClient, most generic but only supports common functionality
var restClient3 = new ExchangeRestClient();
var baseAsset3 = "ETH";
var quoteAsset3 = "USDT";
var unifiedBinanceClient3 = restClient3.GetUnifiedSpotClient(Exchange.Binance);
var unifiedKucoinClient3 = restClient3.GetUnifiedSpotClient(Exchange.Kucoin);
var binanceResult3 = await unifiedBinanceClient3.GetTickerAsync(unifiedBinanceClient3.GetSymbolName(baseAsset3, quoteAsset3));
var kucoinResult3 = await unifiedKucoinClient3.GetTickerAsync(unifiedKucoinClient3.GetSymbolName(baseAsset3, quoteAsset3));

For information on the specific exchange clients, dependency injection, response processing and more see the CryptoExchange.Net documentation or have a look at the examples here. See the CryptoExchange.Net examples for client examples which also apply to CryptClients.Net


An API allowing the requesting of any ticker on any (supported) exchange in 13 lines;
For example GET /Ticker/Kraken/ETH/BTC or GET /Ticker/Kucoin/BTC/USDT

using CryptoExchange.Net.Interfaces;
using CryptoClients.Net.Enums;
using CryptoClients.Net.Interfaces;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();

app.MapGet("Ticker/{exchange}/{baseAsset}/{quoteAsset}", async ([FromServices] IExchangeRestClient client, Exchange exchange, string baseAsset, string quoteAsset) =>
    var spotClient = client.GetUnifiedSpotClient(exchange)!;
    var result = await spotClient.GetTickerAsync(spotClient.GetSymbolName(baseAsset, quoteAsset));
    return result.Data;



Nuget version
A Discord server is available here. Feel free to join for discussion and/or questions around the CryptoExchange.Net and implementation libraries.

Support the project

I develop and maintain this package on my own for free in my spare time, any support is greatly appreciated.


Make a one time donation in a crypto currency of your choice. If you prefer to donate a currency not listed here please contact me.

Btc: bc1q277a5n54s2l2mzlu778ef7lpkwhjhyvghuv8qf
Eth: 0xcb1b63aCF9fef2755eBf4a0506250074496Ad5b7


Alternatively, sponsor me on Github using Github Sponsors.

Release notes