This is the official code repository for "EGE-UNet: an Efficient Group Enhanced UNet for skin lesion segmentation", which is accpeted by 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI2023) as a regular paper!
0. Main Environments
- python 3.8
- pytorch 1.8.0
- torchvision 0.9.0
1. Prepare the dataset.
The ISIC17 and ISIC18 datasets, divided into a 7:3 ratio, can be found here {Baidu or GoogleDrive}.
After downloading the datasets, you are supposed to put them into './data/isic17/' and './data/isic18/', and the file format reference is as follows. (take the ISIC17 dataset as an example.)
- train
- images
- .png
- masks
- .png
- images
- val
- images
- .png
- masks
- .png
- images
- train
2. Train the EGE-UNet.
cd EGE-UNet
3. Obtain the outputs.
- After trianing, you could obtain the outputs in './results/'