


Vork will eventually be a fully fledged V implementation.

Right now it is just a parser, once I get a full parser then I will start working on code gen.


for now all that it does is read in a file and try to parse it. Right now there is no error recovery on a syntax error, but there is a nice printout so you can hopefully understand what went wrong.

The parse output will be printed and is formated in a lisp like way

fn fib(n int) int {
        if n <= 1 {
                return n
        return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

fn main() {
        i := 0
        for i = 0; i < 10; ++i {
(func fib ((n int)) int
    (if (<= n 1)
        (return n)))
    (return (+ (call fib ((- n 1))) (call fib ((- n 2)))))))
(func main () 
    (var (i) 0)
    (for (= i 0) (< i 10) (prefix ++ i)
        (call println ((call fib (i))))))))

Formal grammar

The lark file has an old formal grammar I defined which I am going to keep as a reference, maybe after finishing the hand written parser I will go back and rewrite the formal grammar to be updated.

hopefully by the done I am finished with the parser the (official) formal grammar will be out already :shrug:




Right now the parser ignores new lines completely, that is because from what I could see the official V compiler also does that, but in an inconsistent way... sometimes it ignores it and sometimes not...

for the most part it is not actually a problem, but specifically for the * operator it makes a problem, because it is used both for deref and for multipication

a := 123
b := &a
*b = 456

will not give the correct output!

the simplest way to get around it for now is to simply seround it with a block

a := 123
b := &a
{*b = 456}

but the real solution is to wait for a formal grammar and see how newlines should actually be handled.

note that this problem happens on any operator which may be used in both unary and binary way, including - and alike...