


MagFace: A Universal Representation for Face Recognition and Quality Assessment
in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021, Oral presentation.


Project Page: https://irvingmeng.github.io/projects/magface/

Paper: arXiv

知乎解读: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/475775106

A toy example: examples.ipynb

Poster: GoogleDrive, BaiduDrive code: dt9e

Beamer: GoogleDrive, BaiduDrive, code: c16b


  1. CVPR 5-minute presentation.
  2. Will release a detailed version later.

NOTE: The original codes are implemented on a private codebase and will not be released. This repo is an official but abridged version. See todo list for plans.


  title={{MagFace}: A universal representation for face recognition and quality assessment},
  author={Meng, Qiang and Zhao, Shichao and Huang, Zhida and Zhou, Feng},

Model Zoo

Parallel MethodLossBackboneDatasetSplit FC?ModelLog File
DDPMagFaceiResNet100MS1MV2YesGoogleDrive, BaiduDrive code: wsw3Trained by original codes
DDPMagFaceiResNet50MS1MV2YesGoogleDrive, BaiduDrive code: idkxBaiduDrive, code: 66j1
DDPMag-CosFaceiResNet50MS1MV2YesBaiduDrive code: rg2wBaiduDrive, code: ejec
DPMagFaceiResNet50MS1MV2NoBaiduDrive code: tvyvBaiduDrive, code: hpbt
DPMagFaceiResNet18CASIA-WebFaceNoGoogleDrive, BaiduDrive code: fkjaBaiduDrive, code: qv2x
DPArcFaceiResNet18CASIA-WebFaceNoBaiduDrive code: wq2wBaiduDrive, code: 756e


Face Recognition

Steps to evaluate modes on lfw/cfp/agedb:

  1. download data from GDrive or BaiduDrive, code: z7hs
  2. cd eval/eval_recognition/ and extract the data in the folder
  3. evaluate the model by with eval.sh (e.g., ./eval.sh magface_epoch_00025.pth official 100)

Use eval_ijb.sh for evaluation on IJB-B (Gdrive orBaiduDrive code: iiwa) and IJB-C (Gdrive or BaiduDrive code: q6md). Please apply for permissions from NIST before your usage.

Quality Assessment

Steps to calculate face qualities (examples.ipynb is a toy example).

  1. extract features from faces with inference/gen_feat.py.
  2. calculate feature magnitudes with np.linalg.norm().

Plot the error-versus-reject curve:

  1. prepare the features (in the recognition step).
  2. cd eva/eval_quality and run eval_quality.sh (e.g., ./eval_quality.sh lfw).

Note: model used in the quality assessment session of the paper can be found here.

Basic Training

  1. install requirements.
  2. Align images to 112x112 pixels with 5 facial landmarks (code).
  3. Prepare a training list with format imgname 0 id 0 in each line (id starts from 0), as indicated here. In the paper, we employ MS1MV2 as the training dataset which can be downloaded from InsightFace (MS1M-ArcFace in DataZoo). Use rec2image.py to extract images.
  4. Modify parameters in run.sh/run_dist.sh/run_dist_cos.sh and run it.

Parallel Training

Note: Use Pytorch > 1.7 for this feature. Codes are mainly based on torchshard from Kaiyu Yue.

How to run:

  1. Update NCCL info (can be found with the command ifconfig) and port info in train_dist.py
  2. Set the number of gpus in here.
  3. [Optional. Not tested yet!] If training with multi-machines, modify node number.
  4. [Optional. Help needed as NAN can be reached during training.] Enable fp16 training by setiing --fp16 1 in run/run_dist.sh.
  5. run run/run_dist.sh.

Parallel training (Sec. 5.1 in ArcFace) can highly speed up training as well as reduce consumption of GPU memory. Here are some results.

Parallel MethodFloat TypeBackboneGPUBatch SizeFC SizeSplit FC?Avg. Throughput (images/sec)Memory (MiB)
DPFP32iResNet50v100 x 851285742No1099.418681
DDPFP32iResNet50v100 x 851285742Yes1687.718137
DDPFP16iResNet50v100 x 851285742Yes3388.665629
DPFP32iResNet100v100 x 851285742No612.4011825
DDPFP32iResNet100v100 x 851285742Yes1060.1610777
DDPFP16iResNet100v100 x 851285742Yes2013.907319

Tips for MagFace

  1. In practical, one may want to finetune a existing model for either performance boosts or quality-aware ability. This is practicable (verified in our scenario) but requires a few modifications. Here are my recommended steps:
    • Generate features from a few samples by existing model and calculate their magnitudes.
    • Assume that magnitudes are distributed in [x1, x2], then modify parameters to meet l_a < x1, u_a > x2.
    • In our scenario, we have a model trained by ArcFace which produces magnitudes around 1. [l_a, u_a, l_m, u_m, l_g] =[1, 51, 0.45, 1, 5] is a good choice.

Star History

Star History Chart

Third-party Implementation


TODO list:

20210909: add evaluation code for quality assessments

20210723: add evaluation code for recognition

20210610:[IMPORTANT] Mag-CosFace + ddp is implemented and tested!

20210601: Mag-CosFace is theoretically proved. Please check the updated arxiv paper.

20210531: add the 5-minutes presentation

20210513: add instructions for finetuning with MagFace

20210430: Fix bugs for parallel training.

20210427: [IMPORTANT] now parallel training is available (credits to Kaiyu Yue).

20210331 test fp32 + parallel training and release a model/log

20210325.2 add codes for parallel training as well as fp16 training (not tested).

20210325 the basic training codes are tested! Please find the trained model and logs from the table in Model Zoo.

20210323 add requirements and beamer presentation; add debug logs.

20210315 fix figure 2 and add gdrive link for checkpoint.

20210312 add the basic code (not tested yet).

20210312 add paper/poster/model and a toy example.

20210301 add ReadMe and license.