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This is a library that implements a set of cryptographic primitives that are needed for a multi-hop proxy re-encryption scheme.

The library is implemented in Scala, and the build produces a .jar you can use with Java applications.

State of Development

This library is in the process of being replaced by a version implemented in Rust. The Rust library will have a binding to Java that can be used in environments where the library produced by this recrypt repository would have been used. The Rust library is available at recrypt-rs. All new improvements and performance enhancement efforts are focused on the Rust implementation, and there is a related project, recrypt-wasm-binding, that is a WebAssembly binding that allows the Rust recrypt library to be used in a browser.

Proxy Re-Encryption

A proxy re-encryption (PRE) scheme is a public-key encryption scheme, meaning that each participant has a pair of related keys, one public and one private. If Alice wants to encrypt a message so that only Bob can read it, she obtains Bob's public key and uses the public key encryption algorithm to secure the message. When Bob receives the encrypted message, he uses his private key to decrypt it and recover the original message.

PRE allows someone (the delegator) to delegate the ability to decrypt her messages to another person (the delegatee). In a standard public-key cryptosystem, the delegator would just need to share her private key with the delegatee. This allows the delegatee to access the encrypted messages, but when the delegator wants to revoke the access, she cannot be absolutely sure the delegatee will discard his copy of the private key. With proxy re-encryption, the delegator computes a re-encryption key (or transform key) that will allow messages encrypted to her public key to be transformed so they are encrypted to the delegatee's public key. Computing this transform key requires the delegator's private key and the delegatee's public key; once it is computed, the key is stored on a semi-trusted proxy.

The proxy receives messages intended for the delegator, applies the transform algorithm using the transform key, and delivers the transformed message to the delegatee. The proxy does not need to be trusted, because possession of the transform key does not allow the proxy to recover any information about either the delegator's or the delegatee's private keys. The delegatee cannot collaborate with proxy to recover any information about the delegator's private key.

When the delegator no longer wants to delegate access, she just requests that the proxy discard the transform key. She must trust the proxy to perform this action.

PRE Scheme Properties

There are a number of ways to categorize PRE schemes; some of the most important are the following:

The Recrypt library implements a PRE scheme that is unidirectional, non-interactive, non-transitive, collusion-safe, and multi-hop.

Cryptographic Primitives

The Recrypt library provides the following cryptographic primitives that are part of the proxy re-encryption scheme:


The PRE algorithm implemented here was originally suggested in a short paper titled "A Fully Secure Unidirectional and Multi-user Proxy Re-encryption Scheme" by H. Wang and Z. Cao, published in the proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) in 2009. The algorithm was enhanced in a paper titled "A Multi-User CCA-Secure Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme" by Y. Cai and X. Liu, published in the proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic, and Secure Computing in 2014.

The algorithms in these papers were very generic and made no implementation choices. They specified only the use of a bilinear pairing function. We made a number of implementation choices. Foremost, we use the optimal Ate pairing as our pairing function. This requires a "pairing-friendly" elliptic curve; we chose a Barreto-Naehrig curve, which supports efficient implementation of the pairing.

Our implementation was guided by the following papers:

And by the book: Guide to Pairing-Based Cryptography by N.E. Mrabet and M. Joye, Chapman and Hall/CRC Cryptography and Network Security Series, 2016.

Code Audit

The NCC Group has conducted an audit of this library - we have a blog post about the audit here, and their findings are available in a public report here. The NCC Group audit found that the chosen pairing and elliptic curve are cryptographically sound and secure, and that the Scala implementation is a faithful and correct embodiment of the target protocol.


Recrypt requires openjdk8+ and is known to build under Linux and MacOSX.

https://github.com/paulp/sbt-extras can be used to get sbt.

After you have java and sbt, simply go into the recrypt directory and run:

$ sbt compile

Running Tests

To run tests just run sbt test from the root of the project. This will test everything, but will not run the benchmarks.



Running the benchmarks in scala requires libsodium-dev. Any recent binary version from a package manager should be fine.

See https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium

This version is known to work on Ubuntu 16.04

libsodium-dev/xenial,now 1.0.8-5 amd64 [installed]
  Network communication, cryptography and signaturing library - headers

To run the benchmarks, run the following from sbt:

benchmark/Jmh/run -wi 10 -i 15 -f1 -t1 bench.*

The parameters used here are:

The above command will use a single thread warming up 10 times on each and running each test 15 times.

Intellectual Property

Recrypt-rust incorporates technology that is protected by the following patents (additional patents may be pending in the U.S. and elsewhere):


Recrypt is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License. We also offer commercial licenses - email for more information.

Copyright (c) 2017-present IronCore Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.