

<h1 align="center">zGLFW</h1> <p align="center">A thin, idiomatic wrapper for GLFW. Written in Zig, for Zig!</p>

Why write a wrapper?

While Zig is PERFECTLY capable of simply @cImporting glfw3.h and using it in your application, I think it lacks a lot of cleanliness and succinctness that can be expressed with Zig. I decided to write this wrapper to provide GLFW with a nicer interface, error handling options, and quality of life changes (for example []const u8 instead of [*c]const u8). It also uses nicely named constants in place of #defines.

zGLFW is NOT 100% tested. I am happy to fix any errors that may arise, and I will accept contributions! Errors that arise from GLFW will be printed to stderr.


const std = @import("std");
const glfw = @import("glfw");

pub fn main() !void {
    var major: i32 = 0;
    var minor: i32 = 0;
    var rev: i32 = 0;

    glfw.getVersion(&major, &minor, &rev);
    std.debug.print("GLFW {}.{}.{}\n", .{ major, minor, rev });

    //Example of something that fails with GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED - but will continue with execution
    //var monitor: ?*glfw.Monitor = glfw.getPrimaryMonitor();

    try glfw.init();
    defer glfw.terminate();
    std.debug.print("GLFW Init Succeeded.\n", .{});

    var window: *glfw.Window = try glfw.createWindow(800, 640, "Hello World", null, null);
    defer glfw.destroyWindow(window);

    while (!glfw.windowShouldClose(window)) {
        if (glfw.getKey(window, glfw.KeyEscape) == glfw.Press) {
            glfw.setWindowShouldClose(window, true);



I would suggest you look into the glfw.zig file themselves, as most of the changes are simple syntactically, but I have made some comments in cases where it may be different than you expect. Obviously GLFW's Documentation should cover most things that you want to know.