


Public implementation of our CVPR 2020 paper:

"OrigamiNet: Weakly-Supervised, Segmentation-Free, One-Step, Full Page TextRecognition by learning to unfold"

<p align="center"> <img src="./o1.png"> </p>

Getting Started

OrigamiNet has been implemented and tested with Python 3.6 and PyTorch 1.3. All project configuration is handled using Gin.

First clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/IntuitionMachines/OrigamiNet.git

Then install the dependencies with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Replicating Experiments


  1. Register at the FKI's webpage here.

  2. After obtaining the username and password, we provide a script to download and setup the dataset, crop paragraph images and generate corresponding paragraph transcriptions by concatenating each line transcription. Run:

bash iam/iam.sh $IAM_USER $IAM_PASS $IAM_DEST

where $IAM_USER and $IAM_PASS are the username and password from FKI website, IAM_DEST is the destination folder where the dataset will be saved (the folder will be created by the script if it doesn't exist).

  1. Run the training script using provided configuration:
python train.py --gin iam/iam.gin

Note: if you want to use horovod, run as following:

horovodrun -n $N_GPU -H localhost:$N_GPU python train.py --gin iam/iam.gin

where $N_GPU is the number of gpus to be used (visible GPUs can be controlled by setting CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES)


  1. Download and set up the dataset using the provided script:
bash ich17/ich.sh $ICH_DEST

ICH_DEST is the destination folder where the dataset will be saved. The folder will be created by the script if it doesn't exist.

  1. Run the training script using provided configuration:
python train.py --gin ich17/ich.gin


In the following table CER and nCER are respectively the micro and macro averaged Character Error Rate. BLEU is the marco-averaged character-level BLEU score.

Paper results

DatasetwmulSizeCER (%)nCER (%)BLEU

Additional results

DatasetwmulSizeCER (%)nCER (%)BLEU

These experiments were done with a batch_size of 8. We also obtained promising results with a batch_size of 4, as the proposed architecure does not utilize BatchNorm operations.

Synthetic hard-to-segment IAM variants

In the paper, two IAM variants with hard-to-segment text-lines were presented. These results can be replicated as follows:

Compact lines

  1. Make a copy of the pargs folder, which contains the extracted paragraph images:
cp -r iam/pargs/ iam/pargsCL
  1. To generate IAM with touching lines, use image-magick to resize images to half the height using seam carving.

The following line runs the conversion in parallel to speed up the process:

find iam/pargsCL -iname "*.png" -type f -print0 | parallel --progress -0 -j +0 "mogrify -liquid-rescale 100x50%\! {}"

Rotated and warped

  1. Make a copy of the pargs folder, which contains the extracted paragraph images:
cp -r iam/pargs/ iam/pargsPW
  1. To generate IAM with a random projection and wavy text-lines:
find iam/pargsPW -iname "*.png" -type f -print0 | parallel --progress -0 -j +0 "python dist.py {}"


DatasetwmulSizeCER (%)
Compact lines1.0750x7506.0
Rotated and warped1.0750x7505.6

Single line results

To be as useful as possible, we show how to perform single-line recognition based on the code. This essentially resembles the GTR model. Assuming lines from IAM and thier transcriptions are stored in iam/lines/, run as

python train.py --gin iam/iam_ln.gin


Results on the IAM single-line test set

DatasetnlyrsSizeCER (%)
IAM lines1232x6005.26
IAM lines1832x6004.84
IAM lines2432x6004.76

Gin Options

This is a brief list of the most important gin options. For full config files see iam/iam.gin or ich17/ich.gin


Some code is borrowed from the deep-text-recognition-benchmark, which is under the Apache 2.0 license.

Network architecture was visualized using PlotNeuralNet

This work was sponsored by Intuition Machines, Inc.


  title={OrigamiNet: Weakly-Supervised, Segmentation-Free, One-Step, Full Page TextRecognition by learning to unfold},
  author={Yousef, Mohamed and Bishop, Tom E.},
  booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  month = {June},
  year = {2020}