

STM32Cube wrapper of USBDevice

This is a simple example project stub which serves as a starting point to integrate the USBDevice library into an STM32CubeMX project. Since all STM32 devices have the same USB or USB_OTG peripherals, this solution is compatible throughout the entire STM32 range (but don't be afraid to report an issue if this turns out not to be so).

How to use

  1. The XPD_USB folder has to be added to the project as-is. It contains both source and header files.
  2. The Inc/stm32xxxx.h file simply has to include the series-specific CMSIS and HAL headers.
  3. The Src/hal_usb.c should contain the dependency (GPIO pins and NVIC interrupts) configuration e.g. copied from usbd_conf.c. The interrupt handler redirection can be done either here, or in the project-specific stm32xxxx_it.c.
  4. Use the Src/main.c and Src/usb_device.c as starting point to implement your own USB device application.
  5. Open an issue if something is unclear or if the integration is unsuccessful.

Application notes

External DP pull-up

UsbDevice->Callbacks.ConnectCtrl = usbAttachDetach;