


Implementation of CVPR2017 paper: Dense captioning with joint inference and visual context by Linjie Yang, Kevin Tang, Jianchao Yang, Li-Jia Li


  1. Borrow the idea of Tying Word Vectors and Word Classifiers: A Loss Framework for Language Modeling, and tied word vectors and word classfiers during captioning.
  2. Initialize Word Vectors and Word Classifers with pre-trained glove word vectors with dimensions of 300.
  3. Change the backbone of the framework to ResNet-50.
  4. Add Beam Search and Length Normalization in test mode.
  5. Add "Limit_RAM" mode when praparing training date since my computer only has RAM with 8G.
<div align="center"> <img src="./logs/funny.png" width="40%" height="40%"> <img src="./logs/densecap.png" width="40%" height="40%"> </div>

Special thanks to valohai for offering computing resource.


Update 2017.12.31

Update 2017.12.20


To install required python modules by:

pip install -r lib/requirements.txt

For evaluation, one also need:

To install java runtime by:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre

Preparing data


Website of Visual Genome Dataset

Unlimit RAM

If one has RAM more than 16G, then you can preprocessing dataset with following command.

$ cd $ROOT/lib
$ python preprocess.py --version [version] --path [raw_data_path] \
        --output_dir [dir] --max_words [max_len]

Limit RAM (Less than 16G)

If one has RAM less than 16G.

$ cd $ROOT/info
$ python read_regions --version [version] --vg_path [raw_data_path]
$ cd $ROOT/lib
$ python preprocess.py --version [version] --path [raw_data_path] \
        --output_dir [dir] --max_words [max_len] --limit_ram

Compile local libs

$ cd root/lib
$ make


Add or modify configurations in root/scripts/dense_cap_config.yml, refer to 'lib/config.py' for more configuration details.

$ cd $ROOT
$ bash scripts/dense_cap_train.sh [dataset] [net] [ckpt_to_init] [data_dir] [step]



Create a directory data/demo

$ mkdir $ROOT/data/demo

Then put the images to be tested in the directory.

Download pretrained model (iters 500k) by Google Drive or Jbox. Then create a "output" directory under $ROOT

$ mkdir $ROOT/output

Extract the downloaded "ckpt.zip" to directory $ROOT/output. And run

$ cd $ROOT
$ bash scripts/dense_cap_demo.sh ./output/ckpt ./output/ckpt/vocabulary.txt

or run

$ bash scripts/dense_cap_demo.sh [ckpt_path] [vocab_path]

for your customized checkpoint directory.

It will create html files in $ROOT/demo, just click it. Or you can use the web-based visualizer created by karpathy by

$ cd $ROOT/vis
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8181

Then point your web brower to http://localhost:8181/view_results.html.

