




Aspire extension to start the temporal cli dev server as an container or executable resource. Note: Only container works as expected. See https://github.com/dotnet/aspire/issues/1637 and https://github.com/temporalio/cli/issues/316



Getting Started

1. Install the nuget package

dotnet add package InfinityFlow.Aspire.Temporal

2. Add Temporal dev server to your Aspire AppHost Program.cs

// AppHost/Program.cs
using Aspire.Temporal.Server;

var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Use the default server options
var temporal = await builder.AddTemporalServerContainer("temporal")

// OR customise server options with builder
//      see config section for details
var temporal = await builder.AddTemporalServerContainer("temporal", x => x
    .WithNamespace("test1", "test2"));

3. Run the Aspire application

You should see Temporal running under the Executables tab.

Temporal will be available on its default ports:

Aspire dashboard temporal exe

4. Configure Client/Worker Applications

The Temporal client can then be added to a .NET project as normal using the instructions from the temporal dotnet sdk repo

It can be included in Aspire orchestration like below and can optionally take a reference to the Temporal resource.

// ./samples/AppHost/Program.cs

// ...

var temporal = builder.AddTemporalServerExecutable("temporal");

builder.AddProject<Projects.Worker>("worker") // my custom project

// ...

If using Temporalio.Extensions.Hosting the client registration might look something like below. If we took the reference to the Temporal Aspire resource, then the TargetHost property is automatically injected under the key ConnectionStrings:<Aspire Resource Name>. (e.g., this will be builder.Configuration["ConnectionStrings:temporal"] for a resource named "temporal" as above)

// register a client -  ./samples/Api/Program.cs
    .AddTemporalClient(opts =>
        opts.TargetHost = builder.Configuration["ConnectionStrings:temporal"]; // or just self-configure localhost:7233
        opts.Namespace = "default";

// or

// register a worker - ./samples/Worker/Program.cs
    .AddTemporalClient(opts =>
        opts.TargetHost = builder.Configuration["ConnectionStrings:temporal"]; // or just self-configure localhost:7233
        opts.Namespace = "default";


The extension doesn't provide any setup for observability, but you can follow Temporalio.Extensions.DiagnosticSource and Temporalio.Extensions.Hosting to configure this on the temporal client. If using the Aspire Service Defaults, you'll need to configure the metrics and tracing accordingly.

The sample folder has an example for configuring this with the Aspire Dashboard

If done correctly, you should tracing and metrics on the Aspire dashboard:


aspire dashboard temporal tracing


aspire dashboard temporal metrics


The dev server can be configured with a fluent builder

await builder.AddTemporalServerContainer("temporal", builder => builder.WithPort(1234))

You can run temporal server start-dev --help to get more information about the CLI flags on the dev server. All available flags are mapped to a method on the builder.

Available methods:

    .WithDbFileName("/location/of/persistent/file") // --db-filename
    .WithNamespace("namespace-name", ...)           // --namespace
    .WithPort(7233)                                 // --port
    .WithHttpPort(7234)                             // --http-port
    .WithMetricsPort(7235)                          // --metrics-port
    .UiPort(8233)                                   // --ui-port
    .WithHeadlessUi(true)                           // --headless
    .WithIp("")                            // --ip
    .WithUiIp("")                          // --ui-ip
    .WithUiAssetPath("/location/of/custom/assets")  // --ui-asset-path
    .WithUiCodecEndpoint("http://localhost:8080")   // --ui-codec-endpoint
    .WithLogFormat(LogFormat.Pretty)                // --log-format
    .WithLogLevel(LogLevel.Info)                    // --log-level
    .WithSQLitePragma(SQLitePragma.JournalMode)     // --sqlite-pragma