

COVID-19 Testing Facilites - A CEVEN.hack Map

Project Overview

Project nameCov19TestMap
TitleA COVID-19 Testing Facilities Map
Product demo
Demo videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Rj032PXzMc
Blog post
Dissemination levelPublic
Text licenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Software licenseMIT License
StatusWork in progress

Screenshot Map

Short Description

There is no map displaying the facilities that offer COVID-19 tests. COVID-19 Testing Facilities Map is an attempt to create a map where those facilities can be mapped. The map serves two purposes:

  1. Information for consumers
  2. Planning tool for establishing new facilities


CEVEN.hack is a hackathon team by CEVEN Decentralized GeoTech.


COVID-19 tests are hard to run. There is a lack of test-sets and a lack of organization. The flow of those that are supposed to get tested is hard to organize, congestion of people waiting to be tested can lead to unnecessary exposure/risk of infection.

A map displaying the testing facilities helps to plan and organize the testing facilities.

Design / Development

The COVID-19 Testing Facilities Map uses Leaflet with OSM tiles. Everything is built on open-source, readily available, and easy to manipulate software/code.

Whats Next?


Thanks and shoutouts to:
