

Use Vite Today

out-of-the-box for vue-cli projects without any codebase modifications.

<a href="https://github.com/IndexXuan/vue2-final-boilerplate" target="_blank" rel="noreferer nofollow">demo/boilerplate</a>

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Table of Contents

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# 1. first step
vue add vite

# 2. second step
# NOTE you cannot directly use `vite` or `npx vite` since it is origin vite not this plugin.
yarn vite // or npm run vite

# 3. add optimizeDeps#include (optional and will speedup devServer start time a lot)
# added in vue.config.js#pluginOptions.vite.optimizeDeps.include
# e.g.: ['vue', 'vue-router', 'vuex']
# all scanned deps(logged in terminal) can be added for speedup.



// vue.config.js
  // ...
  pluginOptions: {
    vite: {
       * Plugin[]
       * @default []
      plugins: [], // other vite plugins list, will be merge into this plugin\'s underlying vite.config.ts
       * Vite UserConfig.optimizeDeps options
       * recommended set `include` for speedup page-loaded time, e.g. include: ['vue', 'vue-router', '@scope/xxx']
       * @default {}
      optimizeDeps: {},
       * type-checker, recommended disabled for large-scale old project.
       * @default false
      disabledTypeChecker: true,
       * lint code by eslint
       * @default false
      disabledLint: false,

Underlying principle


Differences between vue-cli and vite

Plugin1. based on webpack. <br />2. have service and generator lifecycles. <br />3. hooks based on each webpack plugin hooks1. based on rollup. <br />2. no generator lifecycle. <br />3. universal hooks based on rollup plugin hooks and vite self designed
Environment Variables1. loaded on process.env. <br />2. prefixed by VUE_APP_. <br />3. client-side use process.env.VUE_APP_XXX by webpack definePlugin1. not loaded on process.env. <br />2. prefixed by VITE_. <br />3. client-side use import.meta.env.VITE_XXX by vite inner define plugin
Entry Files1. main.{js,ts}.1. *.html
Config File1. vue.config.js1. vite.config.ts. <br />2. support use --config to locate
MPA Support1. native support by options.pages. <br />2. with history rewrite support1. native support by rollupOptions.input
Special Syntax1. require(by webpack) <br /> 2. require.context(by webpack) <br />2. use ~some-module/dist/index.css(by css-loader) <br />3. module.hot for HMR1. import.meta.glob/globEager <br />2. native support by vite, use module/dist/index.css directly <br />3. import.meta.hot for HMR
Local devServer1. webpack dev-server <br />2. express-style middleware and many extension api.1. connect <br />2. connect middleware
Type Checker1. fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin1. No built-in, we can use vite-plugin-checker(based on vetur and vue-tsc)
Lint1. @vue/cli-plugin-eslint1. No built-in we can use vite-plugin-eslint,
Jest1. @vue/cli-plugin-jest1. will have first-class jest support



you can clone/fork this repo, under examples/*



Best development-experience right now

Migration to vite smoothly

Lint the codebase

Use vue-cli ecosystem

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