

PDDIKTI API Laravel Package

Latest Version on Packagist MIT Licensed Total Downloads

This Laravel package integrates with the PDDIKTI (Pangkalan Data Pendidikan Tinggi) API, providing easy access to university, lecturer, and student data. This package is an unofficial API built by the community, utilizing web scraping and API wrapping methods from the PDDIKTI web platform to offer programmatic access to the data.


To install this package, follow these steps:

  1. Add the package to your Laravel project using Composer:

    composer require ilhamrisky/pddiktiapi
  2. Once installed, you can start using the Api class to interact with the PDDIKTI API. Here's an example of how to use the package:

    use ilhamrisky\PddiktiApi\Api;
    $pddiktiapi = new Api();
    $response = $pddiktiapi->searchAll('Ilham');

Available Methods

The following methods are available in the API class: