

Benchmarking the uncertainty estimation performance of ImageNet classifiers

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/IdoGalil/benchmarking-uncertainty-estimation-performance/blob/main/Risk-Coverage_curve_comparison.png"> </p> This repository is the official implementation of "What can we learn from the selective prediction and uncertainty estimation performance of 523 ImageNet classifiers?", published in ICLR 2023: https://openreview.net/pdf?id=p66AzKi6Xim


Use benchmark_models.py to automatically benchmark the uncertainty estimation performance of any ImageNet-1k classifier from the excellent 'timm' (PyTorch Image Models) repo: https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models

This will print and create a csv file with the following uncertainty metrics:

  1. SAC (Selective Accuracy Constraint): a selective classification metric (first introduced by our paper) that measures the maximal coverage a model is able to provide given a constraint on the required accuracy. For example, we discovered a ViT model can achieve an unprecedented 99% top-1 selective accuracy on ImageNet at 47% coverage (and 95% top-1 accuracy at 80%), i.e., if we allow the model to reject 53% of its least confident predictions, its accuracy on the predictions it did not reject would be 99%.

  2. AUROC (Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic): a measure of ranking performance insensitive to accuracy. See Equation 1 in the paper for more information.

  3. ECE (Expected Calibration Error): A metric evaluating calibration performance.

  4. AURC (Area Under the Risk-Coverage curve ,Geifman et al., 2018). In essence, this metric is equal the mean selective risk over all possible coverage values.

All models are also evaluated when using the post-training technique of 'Temperature Scaling', which, as we show in the paper, tends to improve the performance over all metrics.

To use it, simply run:

python benchmark_models.py --data_dir #path to the ImageNet validation folder# -b #batchsize# --models #models to evaluate#

For example, to evaluate two models, resnet18 and resnet34:

python benchmark_models.py --data_dir #path to the ImageNet validation folder# -b 128 --models resnet18 resnet34

The results will be printed and saved to a csv
