


This repository serves as a Homebrew tap. The idea for the repo and the Therion formula were inspired by ladislavb/homebrew-therion.


  1. Install Command Line Tools

    xcode-select --install
  2. Install Homebrew

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  3. Test it:

    brew update && brew doctor

    If you want to disable brew analytics run brew analytics off

  4. Install XQuartz & MacTeX If your macOS doesn't contain X11 server (10.12 Sierra+) install it by following command:

    brew cask install xquartz mactex
  5. Tap this repo

    brew tap IdlePhysicist/caving


Therion is cave surveying software - for details see therion.speleo.sk

For help using Homebrew visit brew.sh

Install Therion

brew install --env=std --verbose idlephysicist/caving/therion

This formula targets Therion v5.5.1

If you want to install the latest commit from master add the --HEAD flag after brew install.

Linking Loch to /Applications

To create symbolic link for loch.app to Applications folder run:brew linkapps

Due to the deprecation of the linkapps command in Homebrew, it is my understanding that Loch cannot be built using Homebrwe currently.

Cave Logger

Cave Logger is a record keeping program for caving. It allows the user to track when they go caving, where they go, who they go with.

Install Cave Logger

brew install idlephysicist/caving/cave-logger