

<p align="center"> <img alt="DesignableButton" src="https://github.com/IdleHandsApps/DesignableButton/blob/files/Logo-60.png" /> </p>

DesignableButton Language: Swift 4.0

alt demo

DesignableButton is a UIButton subclass that uses a centralised and reusable styling. In InterfaceBuilder, drag and drop a DesignableButton, choose your style and its applied instantly in InterfaceBuilder


How to install

Add this to your CocoaPods Podfile. Note the IH prefix

pod 'IHDesignableButton'

How to use

Create an DesignableButton+Styles.swift extension file in your project

import UIKit
import IHDesignableButton // if DesignableButton is in CocoaPod
extension DesignableButton {
    override open func prepareForInterfaceBuilder() {
        DesignableButton.setDesignableStyles(isInterfaceBuilder: true)
    static func setDesignableStyles(isInterfaceBuilder: Bool = false) {
        // example style
        DesignableButton.setStyle(style: { (designableButton: DesignableButton) -> Void in
            if designableButton.isHighlighted || designableButton.isSelected {
                // replace this with your style for selected/highlighted states
                designableButton.setTitleColor(designableButton.customTextColor ?? UIColor.white, for: UIControlState())
                designableButton.backgroundColor = designableButton.selectedColor ?? UIColor.red
                designableButton.layer.borderColor = designableButton.selectedColor?.cgColor ?? UIColor.red.cgColor
                designableButton.layer.borderWidth = designableButton.borderWidth ?? 0
            } else if designableButton.isEnabled {
                // replace this with your style for the normal state
                designableButton.setTitleColor(designableButton.customTextColor ?? UIColor.white, for: UIControlState())
                designableButton.backgroundColor = designableButton.defaultColor ?? UIColor.blue
                designableButton.layer.borderColor = designableButton.defaultColor?.cgColor ?? UIColor.blue.cgColor
                designableButton.layer.borderWidth = designableButton.borderWidth ?? 0
            else {
                // replace this with your style for the disabled state
                designableButton.setTitleColor(designableButton.customTextColor ?? UIColor.lightGray, for: UIControlState())
                designableButton.backgroundColor = designableButton.disabledColor ?? UIColor.lightGray()
                designableButton.layer.borderColor = designableButton.borderColor?.cgColor ??  UIColor.gray.cgColor
                designableButton.layer.borderWidth = designableButton.borderWidth ?? 1
            // replace this with your style for all states
            designableButton.layer.cornerRadius = designableButton.cornerRadius ?? 12
            designableButton.setTitle(designableButton.titleLabel?.text, for: .normal)
        }, for: "primary") // this is the name/key of your style

In the setDesignableStyles() method you can call DesignableButton.setStyle() to create a new style. Most projects will only need a few button styles

In you AppDelegate's application(_ , didFinishLaunchingWithOptions() call DesignableButton.setDesignableStyles()

Now in Interface Builder, drag a UIButton onto a view

Change the class to DesignableButton and the module to IHDesignableButton

Change the button type from System to Custom

Set the Button Style to "primary" or any other button style you're created

Half price for a limited time only :)

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It'd be great to hear about any cool apps that are using DesignableButton


Distributed under the MIT License