

Dataset and Code for RealVSR

Real-world Video Super-resolution: A Benchmark Dataset and A Decomposition based Learning Scheme
Xi Yang, Wangmeng Xiang, Hui Zeng and Lei Zhang
International Conference on Computer Vision, 2021.


The dataset is hosted on Google Drive and Baidu Drive (code: 43ph). Some example scenes are shown below.


The structure of the dataset is illustrated below.

GT.zipAll ground truth sequences in RGB format
LQ.zipAll low quality sequences in RGB format
GT_YCbCr.zipAll ground truth sequences in YCbCr format
LQ_YCbCr.zipAll low quality sequences in YCbCr format
GT_test.zipGround truth test sequences in RGB format
LQ_test.zipLow Quality test sequences in RGB format
GT_YCbCr_test.zipGround truth test sequences in YCbCr format
LQ_YCbCr_test.zipLow Quality test sequences in YCbCr format
videos.zipOriginal videos (> 500 LR-HR pairs here)




# Create a new anaconda python environment (realvsr)
conda create -n realvsr python=3.7 -y

# Activate the created environment
conda activate realvsr

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Bulid the DCN module
cd codes/models/archs/dcn
python setup.py develop


Modify the configuration files accordingly in codes/options/train folder and run the following command (current we did not implement distributed training):

python train.py -opt xxxxx.yml


Test on RealVSR testing set sequences:

Modify the configuration in test_RealVSR_wi_GT.py and run the following command:

python test_RealVSR_wi_GT.py

Test on real-world captured sequences:

Modify the configuration in test_RealVSR_wo_GT.py and run the following command:

python test_RealVSR_wo_GT.py

Pre-trained Models

Some pretrained models could be found on Google Drive and Baidu Drive (code: n1n0).


This project is released under the Apache 2.0 license.


If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={Real-world Video Super-resolution: A Benchmark Dataset and A Decomposition based Learning Scheme},
  author={YANG, Xi and Xiang, Wangmeng and Zeng, Hui and Zhang, Lei},


This implementation largely depends on EDVR. Thanks for the excellent codebase! You may also consider migrating it to BasicSR.