


An Open-Sourcing Localization Dataset Collected in Asian Urban Canyons, including Tokyo and Hong Kong

This repository is the usage page of the UrbanNav dataset. Positioning and localization in deep urban canyons using low-cost sensors is still a challenging problem. The accuracy of GNSS can be severely challenged in urban canyons due to the high-rising buildings, leading to numerous Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) receptions and multipath effects. Moreover, the excessive dynamic objects can also distort the performance of LiDAR, and camera. The UrbanNav dataset wishes to provide a challenging data source to the community to further accelerate the study of accurate and robust positioning in challenging urban canyons. The dataset includes sensor measurements from GNSS receivers, LiDAR, camera, and IMU, together with accurate ground truth from SPAN-CPT system. Different from the existing dataset, such as Waymo, KITTI, UrbanNav provide raw GNSS RINEX data. In this case, users can improve the performance of GNSS positioning via raw data. In short, the UrbanNav dataset poses a special focus on improving GNSS positioning in urban canyons but also provides sensor measurements from LiDAR, camera, and IMU. If you got any problems when using the dataset and cannot find a satisfactory solution in the issue list, please open a new issue and we will reply ASAP.

Youtube link of the webinar talk.

Slide link of the webinar talk

Key words: Positioning, Localization, GNSS Positioning, Urban Canyons, GNSS Raw Data,Dynamic Objects, GNSS/INS/LiDAR/Camera, Ground Truth

<p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/urbanNav.png"> </p>

Important Notes:


Objective of the Dataset

Contact Authors (corresponding to issues and maintenance of the currently available Hong Kong dataset): Li-Ta Hsu, Weisong Wen, Feng Huang, Hoi-Fung Ng, GuoHao Zhang, Xiwei Bai from the Intelligent Positioning and Navigation Laboratory, The Hong Kong Polytechnique University

Related Papers:

Hong Kong Dataset

Sensor Setups

The platform for data collection in Hong Kong is a Honda Fit. The platform is equipped with the following sensors:

<p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/hongkong_sensor2.png"> </p> <p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/calibration_sensors.png"> </p>


Total SizePath lengthSensorsUrban CanyonDownload3D PointCloud
UrbanNav-HK-Medium-Urban-133.7 GB (785s)3.64 KmLiDARs/Stereo Camera/IMU/GNSSMediumROS, GNSS, IMU, Ground Truth, SkymaskMedium Urban Map
UrbanNav-HK-Deep-Urban-163.9 GB (1536s)4.51 KmLiDARs/Stereo Camera/IMU/GNSSDeepROS, GNSS, IMU, Ground Truth, SkymaskDeep Urban Map
UrbanNav-HK-Harsh-Urban-1147 GB (3367s)4.86 KmLiDARs/Stereo Camera/IMU/GNSSHarshROS, GNSS, IMU, Ground Truth, SkymaskHarsh Urban Map
UrbanNav-HK-Tunnel-117 GB (398s)3.15 KmLiDARs/Stereo Camera/IMU/GNSSN/AROS, GNSS, IMU, Ground TruthTunnel map
(Pilot data) UrbanNav-HK-Data2019042842.9 GB (487s)2.01 KmLiDAR/Camera/IMU/GNSSMediumROS, GNSSN/A
(Pilot data) UrbanNav-HK-Data2020031427.0 GB (300s)1.21 KmLiDAR/Camera/IMU/GNSSLightROS, GNSSN/A


Dataset UrbanNav-HK-Medium-Urban-1 is collected in a typical urban canyon of Hong Kong near TST which involves high-rising buildings, numerous dynamic objects. A updated version to UrbanNav-HK-Data20190428, two loops included. The coordinates transformation between multiple sensors, and intrinsic measurements of camera can be found via Extrinsic Parameters, IMU Nosie and Intrinsic Parameters of Camera.

For mainland china users, please download the dataset using the Baidu Cloud Links
<p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/UrbanNav-HK-Medium-Urban-1.png"> </p> <p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/UrbanNav-HK-TST-20210517.gif"> </p>


Dataset UrbanNav-HK-Deep-Urban-1 is collected in a highly urbanized area of Hong Kong which involves dense traffic, small tunnels and loops. The coordinates transformation between multiple sensors, and intrinsic measurements of camera can be found via Extrinsic Parameters, IMU Nosie and Intrinsic Parameters of Camera.

For mainland china users, please download the dataset using the Baidu Clouds Links
<p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/UrbanNav-HK-Deep-Urban-1.png"> </p> <p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/UrbanNav-HK-Whampoa-20210521.gif"> </p>


Dataset UrbanNav-HK-Harsh-Urban-1 is collected in an ultra-dense urban canyon of Hong Kong which involves dense vehicles, pedestrians and loops. The coordinates transformation between multiple sensors, and intrinsic measurements of camera can be found via Extrinsic Parameters, IMU Nosie and Intrinsic Parameters of Camera.

For mainland china users, please download the dataset using the Baidu Clouds Links
<p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/UrbanNav-HK-Harsh-Urban-1.png"> </p> <p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/UrbanNav-HK-Mongkok-20210518.gif"> </p>


UrbanNav-HK-Tunnel-1 is collected in a sea tunnel of Hong Kong which involves dense vehicles and GNSS signal losses. The coordinates transformation between multiple sensors, and intrinsic measurements of camera can be found via Extrinsic Parameters, IMU Nosie and Intrinsic Parameters of Camera.

For mainland china users, please download the dataset using the Baidu Clouds Links
<p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/UrbanNav-HK-Tunnel-1.png"> </p> <p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/UrbanNav-HK-CHTunnel-20210518.gif"> </p>


Brief: Dataset UrbanNav-HK-Data20190428 is collected in a typical urban canyon of Hong Kong near TST which involves high-rising buildings, numerous dynamic objects. The coordinates transformation between multiple sensors, and intrinsic measurements of camera can be found via Extrinsic Parameters, IMU Nosie and Intrinsic Parameters of Camera.

Some key features are as follows:

Date of CollectionTotal SizePath lengthSensors
2019/04/2842.9 GB2.01 KmGNSS/LiDAR/Camera/IMU/SPAN-CPT

For mainland china users, please download the dataset using the Baidu Clouds Links

<p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/UrbanNav-HK-Data20190428.gif"> </p>


Brief: Dataset UrbanNav-HK-Data2020314 is collected in a low-urbanization area in Kowloon which suitable for algorithmic verification and comparison. The coordinates transformation between multiple sensors, and intrinsic measurements of camera can be found via Extrinsic Parameters, IMU Nosie and Intrinsic Parameters of Camera.

Some key features are as follows:

Date of CollectionTotal SizePath lengthSensors
2020/03/1427.0 GB1.21 KmLiDAR/Camera/IMU/SPAN-CPT

For mainland china users, please download the dataset using the Baidu Clouds Links

<p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/UrbanNav-HK-Data20190314.jpg"> </p>

Tokyo Dataset

Sensor Setups

The platform for data collection in Tokyo is a Toyota Rush. The platform is equipped with the following sensors:

<p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/tokyosensor.png"> </p>

Dataset 1: UrbanNav-TK-20181219

Important Notes: the LiDAR calibration file for the LiDAR sensor, extrinsic parameters between sensors are not available now. If you wish to study the GNSS/LiDAR/IMU integration, we suggest using the dataset above collected in Hong Kong. However, the GNSS dataset from Tokyo is challenging which is collected in challenging urban canyons!

Date of CollectionTotal SizePath lengthSensors
2018/12/194.14 GB>10 KmGNSS/LiDAR/IMU/Ground Truth
<p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/trajectory.png"> </p> <p align="center"> <img width="712pix" src="img/trajectory1.png"> </p>


We acknowledge the help from Yihan Zhong, Jiachen Zhang, Yin-chiu Kan, Weichang Xu and Song Yang.


For any technical issues, please contact Feng Huang via email darren-f.huang@connect.polyu.hk and Weisong Wen via email welson.wen@polyu.edu.hk. For collaboration inquiries, please contact Li-Ta Hsu via email lt.hsu@polyu.edu.hk.