

Hardware Wallets Digital Forensics List

List of Hardware Wallet vendor IDs and Product IDs to be used for Digital Forensics detection.

The below list may be used for forenscis analysis of a suspect's machine's logs of USB devices connected.
List is provided as best-effort and is not exhaustive.


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Vendors and Products Identifiers

Below is a list of Vendor and Product IDs as would be found in USB devices logs.
Forensics examiners may use this list to identify if such a device has been seen on the suspect's machines.

_VID(0x)_PID(0x)Vendor nameDevice desc.Attribution URI
03eb2402ShiftCryptoBitBox01 (DigitalBitBox)shiftcrypto.com
096e0891Feitian TechJuBiter BladeGithub
1209abbaGenericSafeWISE CoinSafeLinux-usb.org
1209b0b0GenericMonero Hardware bootloaderLinux-usb.org
1209c0dAGenericMonero HardwareLinux-usb.org
1209d00dGenericMonero Hardware developerLinux-usb.org
120953c0SatoshiLabsTrezor v2 bootloaderGithub
120953c1SatoshiLabsTrezor v2Github
12097000SecalotSecalot Donglesecalot.com/downloads/ HID Rules
12097001SecalotSecalot Bootloadersecalot.com/downloads/ HID Rules
12097551GenericOpenDime DAFU bootloaderGithub
12099998OpoloCosmos Bootloaderpid.codes
12099999OpoloCosmos Firmwarepid.codes
2341003dBitloxUltimate aka lockbox 3A8CGithub
2341003eBitloxUltimate aka lockboxGithub
2581f1d1LedgerHW1? Or Ledger Nano S PlusGithub
2b24AllKeepKeyBitcoin WalletLinux-usb.org
2c97AllLedgerLedger HW2, Nano S, Aramis, X and BlueLinux-usb.org and Github
2c971000LedgerLedger Nano SGithub
2c973000LedgerLedger HW2Github
2c974000LedgerLedger Nano XGithub
2c975000LedgerLedger Nano S PlusGithub
2c976000LedgerLedger Nano StaxGithub
2c977000LedgerLedger Nano FlexGithub
2f482130D'CENTBiometric WalletGithub
534c0001SatoshiLabsTrezor v1Github
04835740Open SourceOpen Source TrezorST Electronics driver recomendations

Missing or further research required

Specific no-USB HD Wallets

Related hardware


The below are images from the manufacturers' websites (links below). Provided here for examiners who may have to search a scene for exhibits.

BitloxUltimate <br/> Ultimate
Cobo GlobalCobo Vault Pro and Essential <br/> Cobo Vault Pro and Essential (aka Keystone Pro)
CoinkiteColdcard <br/> Coldcard
CoinkiteOpenDime <br/> OpenDime
CoolBitXCoolWallet Pro <br/> CoolWallet Pro (Crypto.com branded)
CoolBitXCoolWallet S <br/> CoolWallet S (OKEX branded but could be Binance and others)
CryptnoxCryptnox card <br/> Cryptnox card
EllipalEC01 <br/> EC01
EllipalTitan <br/> Titane Mini
EllipalTitan <br/> Titane
FeitianJuBiter Blade <br/> JuBiter Blade
LEDGERLedger HW1 <br/> HW1
LEDGERLedger Nano Blue <br/> Nano Blue
LEDGERLedger Nano S <br/> Nano S
LEDGERLedger Nano X <br/> Nano X
LEDGERLedger Nano S Plus <br/> Nano S Plus
LEDGERLedger Flex <br/> Flex
LEDGERLedger Stax <br/> Stax
NGRAVENGRAVE Zero Hardware Wallet <br/> NGrave Zero
ProkeyOptimum <br/> Optimum
SecalotDongle <br/> Dongle (discontinued)
SecuXSecuX V20 <br/> V20 Front <br/> SecuX V20 <br/> V20 Back
SecuXSecuX W10 <br/> W10
SecuXSecuX W20 <br/> W20
ShapeShiftKeepKey <br/> KeepKey
ShiftCryptoBitBox01 <br/> BitBox 01 aka Digital BitBox
ShiftCryptoBitBox01 <br/> BitBox 02
TANGEMTangem Cards and Ring <br/> Cards and Ring
TREZORTrezor T <br/> Model T or "v2"
Open Source TREZOR Dev KitTrezor Dev Kit Trezor Dev Kit <br/> Open Source Dev Kit


A list of Hardware wallets is available at https://en.bitcoin.it

Ledger https://www.ledger.com/
Trezor https://trezor.io/
Tangem https://tangem.com/
Open Source Trezor Dev Kit https://mcudev.github.io/trezor-model-t-dev-kit/
Shapeshift Keepkey https://shapeshift.com/keepkey
Shiftcrypto BitBox https://shiftcrypto.ch/
C∞lWallet (CoolWallet) https://www.coolwallet.io/
Cobo Vault (Keystone) https://cobo.com/about?locale=en or https://keyst.one
Cold Card Wallet https://coldcardwallet.com/
Cryptnox https://cryptnox.com/ Ellipal https://www.ellipal.com/
JuBiter Blade https://www.ftsafe.com/store/product/cryptocurrency-wallet/
SafeWize CoinSafe https://safewise.io/#/home
Husky HDW20 https://www.huskywallet.com
SFP SafePal https://safepal.io
D'CENT https://dcentwallet.com
Cosmos https://opolo.io
VIPPool Wallet https://www.axell.co.jp
Zero https://www.ngrave.io
W10, W20, V20 Stone https://secuxtech.com
Ultimate https://www.bitlox.com
Optimum https://prokey.io
Dongle https://www.secalot.com