

PyTorch implementation of Recurrent Event Network (RE-Net)

Paper: Recurrent Event Network: Autoregressive Structure Inference over Temporal Knowledge Graphs

TL;DR: We propose an autoregressive model to infer graph structures at unobserved times on temporal knowledge graphs (extrapolation problem).

This repository contains the implementation of the RE-Net architectures described in the paper.

<p align="center"><img src="figs/renet.png" width="500"/></p>

Knowledge graph reasoning is a critical task in natural language processing. The task becomes more challenging on temporal knowledge graphs, where each fact is associated with a timestamp. Most existing methods focus on reasoning at past timestamps, which are not able to predict facts happening in the future. This paper proposes Recurrent Event Network (RE-Net), a novel autoregressive architecture for predicting future interactions. The occurrence of a fact (event) is modeled as a probability distribution conditioned on temporal sequences of past knowledge graphs. Specifically, our RE-Net employs a recurrent event encoder to encode past facts, and uses a neighborhood aggregator to model the connection of facts at the same timestamp. Future facts can then be inferred in a sequential manner based on the two modules. We evaluate our proposed method via link prediction at future times on five public datasets. Through extensive experiments we demonstrate the strength of RE-Net, especially on multi-step inference over future time stamps, and achieve state-of-the-art performance on all five datasets.

If you make use of this code or the RE-Net algorithm in your work, please cite the following paper:

	title={Recurrent Event Network: Autoregressive Structure Inference over Temporal Knowledge Graphs},
	author={Jin, Woojeong and Qu, Meng and Jin, Xisen and Ren, Xiang},

Quick Links

<!-- - [Predictive Performances](#Predictive-performances) -->


Run the following commands to create a conda environment (assume CUDA10.1):

conda create -n renet python=3.6 numpy
conda activate renet
pip install torch==1.6.0+cu101 torchvision==0.7.0+cu101 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
conda install -c dglteam "dgl-cuda10.1<0.5"

Train and Test

In this code, RE-Net with RGCN aggregator is included. Before running, the user should preprocess datasets.

<!-- For attentive, mean, pooling aggregators (model 0,1,2) ```bash cd data/DATA_NAME python3 get_history.py ``` --> <!-- For an RGCN aggregator (model 3) -->
cd data/DATA_NAME
python3 get_history_graph.py

We first pretrain the global model.

python3 pretrain.py -d DATA_NAME --gpu 0 --dropout 0.5 --n-hidden 200 --lr 1e-3 --max-epochs 20 --batch-size 1024

Then, train the model.

python3 train.py -d DATA_NAME --gpu 0 --dropout 0.5 --n-hidden 200 --lr 1e-3 --max-epochs 20 --batch-size 1024

We are ready to test!

python3 test.py -d DATA_NAME --gpu 0 --n-hidden 200

The default hyperparameters give the best performances.

<!-- ### Model variants --> <!-- The user must specify a --model, the variants of which are described in detail in the paper: - Attentive aggregator: --model 0 - Mean aggregator: --model 1 - Pooling aggregator: --model 2 - RGCN aggregator: --model 3 -->

Related Work

Our work is on an extrapolation problem. There are only a few work on the problem. Many studies on temporal knowledge graphs are focused on an intrapolation problem. We organized the list of related work such as Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning, Dynamic Graph Embedding, Knowledge Graph Embedding, and Static Graph Embedding.

<!-- There are related literatures: Temporal Knowledge Graph Embedding, Dynamic Graph Embedding, Knowledge Graph Embedding, Static Graph Embedding, etc. We organized the list of [related work](https://github.com/woojeongjin/dynamic-KG). -->


There are four datasets: ICEWS18, ICEWS14 (from Know-Evolve), GDELT, WIKI, and YAGO. These datasets are for the extrapolation problem. Times of test set should be larger than times of train and valid sets. (Times of valid set also should be larger than times of train set.) Each data folder has 'stat.txt', 'train.txt', 'valid.txt', 'test.txt',and 'get_history_graph.py'.

For relation names in GDELT, please refer to the GDLET codebook.


We use the following public codes for baselines and hyperparameters. We validated embedding sizes among presented values.

BaselinesCodeEmbedding sizeBatch size
TransE (Bordes et al., 2013)Link100, 2001024
DistMult (Yang et al., 2015)Link100, 2001024
ComplEx (Trouillon et al., 2016)Link50, 100, 200100
RGCN (Schlichtkrull et al., 2018)Link200Default
ConvE (Dettmers et al., 2018)Link200128
Know-Evolve (Trivedi et al., 2017)LinkDefaultDefault
HyTE (Dasgupta et al., 2018)Link128Default

We implemented TA-TransE, TA-DistMult, and TTransE. The user can run the baselines by the following command.

cd ./baselines
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 TA-TransE.py -f 1 -d ICEWS18 -L 1 -bs 1024 -n 1000

The user can find implementations in the 'baselines' folder.

<!-- ## Predictive Performances In the **ICEWS18** dataset, the results with **filtered** metrics: | Method | MRR | Hits@1 | Hits@3 | Hits@10 | |---------------|-------|--------|--------|---------| | TransE | 17.56 | 2.48 | 26.95 | 43.87 | | ConvE | 37.67 | 29.91 | 40.80 | 51.69 | | TA-DistMult | 28.53 | 20.30 | 31.57 | 44.96 | RE-Net (mean) | 42.38 | 35.80 | 44.99 | 54.90 | | RE-Net (attn) | 41.46 | 34.67 | 44.19 | 54.44 | | RE-Net (pool) | 41.35 | 34.53 | 44.05 | 54.35 | | RE-Net (RGCN) | 43.20 | 36.63 | 45.58 | 55.91 | In the **GDELT** dataset, the results with **filtered** metrics: | Method | MRR | Hits@1 | Hits@3 | Hits@10 | |---------------|-------|--------|--------|---------| | TransE | 16.05 | 0.00 | 26.10 | 42.29 | | ConvE | 36.99 | 28.05 | 40.32 | 50.44 | | TA-DistMult | 29.35 | 22.11 | 31.56 | 41.39 | | RE-Net (mean) | 39.15 | 30.84 | 43.07 | 53.48 | | RE-Net (attn) | 38.07 | 29.44 | 42.26 | 52.93 | | RE-Net (pool) | 37.99 | 30.05 | 41.40 | 52.18 | | RE-Net (RGCN) | 40.21 | 32.54 | 43.53 | 53.83 | In the **WIKI** dataset, the results with **filtered** metrics: | Method | MRR | Hits@1 | Hits@3 | Hits@10 | |---------------|-------|--------|--------|---------| | TransE | 19.30 | 14.01 | 24.01 | 25.82 | | ConvE | 49.57 | 48.23 | 51.07 | 52.53 | | TA-DistMult | 48.09 | 46.01 | 49.51 | 51.70 | | RE-Net (mean) | 48.30 | 45.86 | 49.36 | 53.03 | | RE-Net (attn) | 51.72 | 50.60 | 52.12 | 53.72 | | RE-Net (pool) | 45.15 | 41.41 | 46.98 | 52.57 | | RE-Net (RGCN) | 50.47 | 49.80 | 52.03 | 53.16 | In the **YAGO** dataset, the results with **filtered** metrics: | Method | MRR | Hits@1 | Hits@3 | Hits@10 | |---------------|-------|--------|--------|---------| | TransE | 34.78 | 20.27 | 47.23 | 53.35 | | ConvE | 64.32 | 63.79 | 65.97 | 67.60 | | TA-DistMult | 62.72 | 59.30 | 64.94 | 68.19 | | RE-Net (mean) | 65.51 | 63.85 | 66.06 | 68.03 | | RE-Net (attn) | 65.79 | 64.50 | 66.00 | 67.82 | | RE-Net (pool) | 63.65 | 61.25 | 64.76 | 67.45 | | RE-Net (RGCN) | 65.69 | 64.83 | 66.32 | 68.48 | -->