

USC Distantly-supervised Relation Extraction System

This repository puts together recent models and data sets for sentence-level relation extraction using knowledge bases (i.e., distant supervision). In particular, it contains the source code for WWW'17 paper CoType: Joint Extraction of Typed Entities and Relations with Knowledge Bases.

Please also check out our new repository on handling shifted label distribution in distant supervision

Task: Given a text corpus with entity mentions detected and heuristically labeled using distant supervision, the task aims to identify relation types/labels between a pair of entity mentions based on the sentence context where they co-occur.

Quick Start

Blog Posts


For evaluating on sentence-level extraction, we processed (using our data pipeline) three public datasets to our JSON format. We ran Stanford NER on training set to detect entity mentions, mapped entity names to Freebase entities using DBpediaSpotlight, aligned Freebase facts to sentences, and assign entity types of Freebase entities to their mapped names in sentences:

Please put the data files in corresponding subdirectories under data/source


Performance comparison with several relation extraction systems over KBP 2013 dataset (sentence-level extraction).

Mintz (our implementation, Mintz et al., 2009)0.2960.3870.335
LINE + Dist Sup (Tang et al., 2015)0.3600.2570.299
MultiR (Hoffmann et al., 2011)0.3250.2780.301
FCM + Dist Sup (Gormley et al., 2015)0.1510.4980.300
HypeNet (our implementation, Shwartz et al., 2016)0.2100.3150.252
CNN (our implementation, Zeng et at., 2014)0.1980.3340.242
PCNN (our implementation, Zeng et at., 2015)0.2200.4520.295
LSTM (our implementation)0.2740.5000.350
Bi-GRU (our implementation)0.3010.4650.362
SDP-LSTM (our implementation, Xu et at., 2015)0.3000.4360.356
Position-Aware LSTM (Zhang et al., 2017)0.2650.5980.367
CoType-RM (Ren et al., 2017)0.3030.4070.347
CoType (Ren et al., 2017)0.3480.4060.369

Note: for models that trained on sentences annotated with a single label (HypeNet, CNN/PCNN, LSTM, SDP/PA-LSTMs, Bi-GRU), we form one training instance for each sentence-label pair based on their DS-annotated data.



We will take Ubuntu for example.

$ pip install pexpect ujson tqdm
$ cd code/DataProcessor/
$ git clone git@github.com:stanfordnlp/stanza.git
$ cd stanza
$ pip install -e .
$ wget http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/stanford-corenlp-full-2016-10-31.zip
$ unzip stanford-corenlp-full-2016-10-31.zip

We have included compilied binaries. If you need to re-compile retype.cpp under your own g++ environment

$ cd code/Model/retype; make

Default Run

As an example, we show how to run CoType on the Wiki-KBP dataset

Start the Stanford corenlp server for the python wrapper.

$ java -mx4g -cp "code/DataProcessor/stanford-corenlp-full-2016-10-31/*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer

Feature extraction, embedding learning on training data, and evaluation on test data.

$ ./run.sh  

For relation classification, the "none"-labeled instances need to be first removed from train/test JSON files. The hyperparamters for embedding learning are included in the run.sh script.


Dataset to run on.

- KBP: -negative 3 -iters 400 -lr 0.02 -transWeight 1.0
- NYT: -negative 5 -iters 700 -lr 0.02 -transWeight 7.0
- BioInfer: -negative 5 -iters 700 -lr 0.02 -transWeight 7.0

Hyperparameters for relation classification are included in the run.sh script.


Evaluates relation extraction performance (precision, recall, F1): produce predictions along with their confidence score; filter the predicted instances by tuning the thresholds.

$ python code/Evaluation/emb_test.py extract KBP retype cosine 0.0
$ python code/Evaluation/tune_threshold.py extract KBP emb retype cosine

In-text Prediction

The last command in run.sh generates json file for predicted results, in the same format as test.json in data/source/$DATANAME, except that we only output the predicted relation mention labels. Replace the second parameter with whatever threshold you would like.

$ python code/Evaluation/convertPredictionToJson.py $Data 0.0

Customized Run

Code for producing the JSON files from a raw corpus for running CoType and baseline models is here.


You can find our implementation of some recent relation extraction models under the Code/Model/ directory.

