

Awesome International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Awesome

<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/International_Image_Interoperability_Framework_logo.png" align="right" width="100">

A list of lists of awesome IIIF resources.

The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF - "triple-eye-eff") is a group of standard APIs around sharing and reuse of media. It is also a growing community of galleries, libraries, archives, museums, companies, and others who develop the standards and interoperable software implementations. Content includes helpful links around each of the standards, demonstrations of their use, and tutorials and presentations. The list is especially helpful for orienting new community members and developers.

Contributing Guidelines

More Resources

The lists below are a great place to start for inspiration and tooling, but they are certainly not complete!

If you have a link or a resource to add, you have a few options:

Likewise, there are other ways to see how people are implementing IIIF.

Disclaimer: The lists below are presented in alphabetical order within each section, and do not suggest any recommendation. Likewise, these lists are created for informational purposes only and any links do not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the IIIF Consortium.



The IIIF community has developed several standards for interoperable web-based image delivery.

IIIF Extensions

Feedback is welcome on all IIIF Specifications, including draft versions and works-in-progress -- please send any feedback to iiif-discuss@googlegroups.com.

Additional Lists

Official Resources

The IIIF Consortium (IIIF-C), with support from the community, maintains a number of resources to assist with understanding and implementation of IIIF.

Image Servers

These servers support the IIIF Image API. Some may also have support for the Presentation API.

Image Server Shims

As defined by Wikipedia a shim is a small library that transparently intercepts an API, changing the parameters passed, handling the operation itself, or redirecting the operation elsewhere. These shims allow you to use an image server that does not currently support IIIF. If you have not implemented an image server yet, this is probably not where you want to start.

IIIF Viewers

Image viewers (Image API only)

Image API Libraries

Image Tools

Various tools for working with images such as cropping tools.

Presentation API Libraries

Presentation API Shims

These shims allow you to use systems with presentation metadata (e.g. structure or sequences) that do not currently support IIIF. If you have not implemented the Presentation API yet, this is probably not where you want to start.

Presentation Manifest Tools


Exhibition and Guided Viewing Tools

Tools and resources that provide functionality for presenting IIIF materials in an exhibition-like setting (and potentially other functionality).

Content Search API

Libraries and applications that support the Content Search API.


Some resources about the IIIF Authorization Flow API.


Tutorials for how to accomplish functionality in your applications.

Videos and Slide Decks

Slide decks and presentation videos with a focus on IIIF.

For the most recent videos of lightning talks, papers, and semi-annual conference presentations, see the official IIIF Consortium YouTube channel.


Links to help you discover IIIF resources that have been shared, demonstrations of IIIF discovery and useful discovery tools.

Import to Viewers


Annotation Servers

Annotation Clients


CMS Integration

Content Management Systems (CMS) modules that implement or leverage the IIIF APIs.

Wiki Integration

Wiki software tools that implement or leverage the IIIF APIs


Internet file hosting that provides IIIF support (including both paid and free options).


These are resources that are specifically useful for working with newspapers. Many of them are outputs of the IIIF Newspaper Community Group (now on hiatus).


Science, Technology, Engineering, Math/Medicine

Experiments and Fun


IIIF is a community-based initiative that relies on active participation, discussion, and input. To get involved and learn more, see the IIIF Community page.

Collection Management Systems (CMSs) and Digital Asset Management (DAMs) that support IIIF



To the extent possible under law, all contributors waive all copyright and related neighboring rights to this work.