No.2 solution of Tianchi ImageNet Adversarial Attack Challenge.
We use a modified M-DI2-FGSM to attack the defense model.
The recommended environment is as follows:
Python 3.7.0, PyTorch 1.3.1, NumPy 1.15.1, OpenCV 3.4.1, Pandas 0.23.4
At least you should ensure python 3.6.0+ and pytorch 1.0+.
Download the defense models from Google Drive or BaiduPan (hrtp).
The defense models are all from "Feature denoising for improving adversarial robustness"[1]. Thanks to Dr. Huang for providing the pytorch version of the models.
Place the official images
folder and downloaded weight
folder as follows:
Note that we have modified the original dev.csv
(the label has an offset of -1).
You just need to run:
optional arguments:
--input_dir INPUT_DIR path to data
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR path to results
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE mini-batch size
--steps STEPS iteration steps
--max_norm MAX_NORM Linf limit
--div_prob DIV_PROB probability of diversity
Note that more steps can achieve better performance.
- All source models are strong defense models.[1]
- Use SGD with momentum, and normalize the gradient by Linf.[2]
- Fuse the logits of 3 source models to build ensemble model.[2]
- Add input diversity (resize and padding).[3]
- Fuse the loss of targeted attack and untargeted attack.
- Remove the sign() function of IFGSM, and use the gradient toward perturbations to update.
[1] Xie, Cihang, et al. "Feature denoising for improving adversarial robustness." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019.
[2] Dong, Yinpeng, et al. "Boosting adversarial attacks with momentum." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2018.
[3] Xie, Cihang, et al. "Improving transferability of adversarial examples with input diversity." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019.