

IBM Cloud Secrets Manager Go SDK

A Go client library to interact with the IBM Cloud® Secrets Manager APIs.

<details> <summary>Table of Contents</summary> </details>


The IBM Cloud Secrets Manager Go SDK allows developers to programmatically interact with the following IBM Cloud services:

Service namePackage name
Secrets ManagerSecretsManagerV2



There are a few different ways to download and install the Secrets Manager Go SDK project for use by your Go application.

go get command

Use this command to download and install the SDK:

go get -u github.com/IBM/secrets-manager-go-sdk/v2

Go modules

If your application uses Go modules, you can add the following import to your Go application:

import (

Then run go mod tidy to download and install the new dependency and update the go.mod file for your application.


Secrets Manager uses token-based Identity and Access Management (IAM) authentication.

With IAM authentication, you supply an API key that is used to generate an access token. Then, the access token is included in each API request to Secrets Manager. Access tokens are valid for a limited amount of time and must be regenerated.

Authentication for this SDK is accomplished by using IAM authenticators. Import authenticators from github.com/IBM/go-sdk-core/v5/core.


Programmatic credentials

import "github.com/IBM/go-sdk-core/v5/core"

authenticator := &core.IamAuthenticator{
  ApiKey: "{apikey}",

To learn more about IAM authenticators and how to use them in your Go application, see the IBM Go SDK Core documentation.

Using the SDK

Basic usage


Construct a service client and use it to create and retrieve a secret from your Secrets Manager instance.

Here's an example main.go file:

package main

import (
    sm "github.com/IBM/secrets-manager-go-sdk/v2/secretsmanagerv2"

func main() {

    secretsManager, err := sm.NewSecretsManagerV2(&sm.SecretsManagerV2Options{
        URL: "<SERVICE_URL>",
        Authenticator: &core.IamAuthenticator{
            ApiKey: "<IBM_CLOUD_API_KEY>",

    if err != nil {

  secretPrototypeModel := &sm.ArbitrarySecretPrototype{
    Description:   core.StringPtr("Description of my arbitrary secret."),
            Labels:        []string{"dev", "us-south"},
    Name:          core.StringPtr("example-arbitrary-secret"),
            SecretGroupID: core.StringPtr("default"),
            SecretType:    core.StringPtr("arbitrary"),
            Payload:       core.StringPtr("secret-data"),

  createSecretOptions := secretsManager.NewCreateSecretOptions(

  secret, _, err := secretsManager.CreateSecret(createSecretOptions)
  if err != nil {
  b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(secret, "", "  ")
  fmt.Println("Secret created! " + string(b))

  secretId := *secret.(*sm.ArbitrarySecret).ID

  getSecretRes, _, err := secretsManager.GetSecret(&sm.GetSecretOptions{
    ID:         &secretId,

  if err != nil {
  arbitrarySecretPayload := getSecretRes.(*sm.ArbitrarySecret).Payload
  fmt.Println("Arbitrary secret payload: " + *arbitrarySecretPayload)

Replace the URL and ApiKey values. Then run the go run main.go command to compile and run your Go program. You should see the payload of the arbitrary secret that was created.

For more information and IBM Cloud SDK usage examples for Go, see the IBM Cloud SDK Common documentation.


If you're having difficulties using this SDK, you can ask questions about this project by using Stack Overflow. Be sure to include the ibm-cloud and ibm-secrets-manager tags.

You can also check out the Secrets Manager documentation and API reference for more information about the service.


If you encounter an issue with the project, you're welcome to submit a bug report to help us improve.


For general contribution guidelines, see CONTRIBUTING.


This SDK project is released under the Apache 2.0 license. The license's full text can be found in LICENSE.