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IBM Cloud Networking Services Python SDK Version 0.27.0

Python client library to interact with various IBM Cloud Networking Service APIs.

Table of Contents

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The IBM Cloud Networking Services Python SDK allows developers to programmatically interact with the following IBM Cloud services:

CIS Service NameImported Class Name
CIS: CacheCachingApiV1
CIS: Custom PagesCustomPagesV1
CIS: DNS Records BulkDnsRecordBulkV1
CIS: DNS RecordsDnsRecordsV1
CIS: Firewall Access RulesFirewallAccessRulesV1
CIS: Security Level SettingsFirewallApiV1
CIS: GLB EventsGlobalLoadBalancerEventsV1
CIS: GLB MonitorGlobalLoadBalancerMonitorV1
CIS: GLB PoolsGlobalLoadBalancerPoolsV0
CIS: GLB ServiceGlobalLoadBalancerV1
CIS: Page RulesPageRuleApiV1
CIS: Range ApplicationRangeApplicationsV1
CIS: RoutingRoutingV1
CIS: Security EventsSecurityEventsApiV1
CIS: SSL/TLSSslCertificateApiV1
CIS: User Agent Blocking RulesUserAgentBlockingRulesV1
CIS: WAF SettingsWafApiV1
CIS: WAF Rule GroupsWafRuleGroupsApiV1
CIS: WAF Rule PackagesWafRulePackagesApiV1
CIS: WAF RulesWafRulesApiV1
CIS: Zone Firewall Access RulesZoneFirewallAccessRulesV1
CIS: Zone LockdownZoneLockdownV1
CIS: Zone Rate LimitsZoneRateLimitsV1
CIS: Zone SettingsZonesSettingsV1
CIS: ZonesZonesV1
PDNS Service NameImported Class Name
PDNS: Zones APIDnsZonesV1 DnsSvcsV1
PDNS: Resource Records APIResourceRecordsV1 DnsSvcsV1
PDNS: Permitted Networks for Zones APIPermittedNetworksForDnsZonesV1 DnsSvcsV1
PDNS: Global Load Balancers APIGlobalLoadBalancersV1 DnsSvcsV1
Direct Link ServiceImported Class Name
Direct LinkDirectLinkV1
Direct Link ProviderDirectLinkProviderV2
Transit ServiceImported Class Name
Transit GatewayTransitGatewayApisV1



To install, use pip or easy_install:

pip install --upgrade "ibm-cloud-networking-services==0.27.0"


easy_install --upgrade "ibm-cloud-networking-servies==0.27.0"

Using the SDK

For general SDK usage information, please see this link


If you are having difficulties using this SDK or have a question about the IBM Cloud services, please ask a question Stack Overflow.


If you encounter an issue with the project, you are welcome to submit a [bug report](<github-repo-url>/issues). Before that, please search for similar issues. It's possible that someone has already reported the problem.

Deprecation Notice

For deprecation notice, please see this link

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This SDK is released under the Apache 2.0 license. The license's full text can be found in LICENSE.