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IBM Cloud Networking Go SDK Version 0.49.0

Go client library to interact with the various IBM Cloud Networking Service APIs.

Table of Contents

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The IBM Cloud Networking Go SDK allows developers to programmatically interact with the following IBM Cloud services:

Service NamePackage name
Transit Gateway Servicetransitgatewayapisv1
Direct Link Servicedirectlinkv1
Direct Link Provider Servicedirectlinkproviderv2
CIS: Cachecachingapiv1
CIS: IPcisipapiv1
CIS: Custom Pagescustompagesv1
CIS: DNS Records Bulkdnsrecordbulkv1
CIS: DNS Recordsdnsrecordsv1
CIS: Firewall Access Rulesfirewallaccessrulesv1
CIS: Security Level Settingsfirewallapiv1
CIS: GLB Eventsgloballoadbalancereventsv1
CIS: GLB Monitorgloballoadbalancermonitorv1
CIS: GLB Poolsgloballoadbalancerpoolsv0
CIS: GLB Servicegloballoadbalancerv1
CIS: Page Rulespageruleapiv1
CIS: Range Applicationrangeapplicationsv1
CIS: Routingroutingv1
CIS: Rulesetsrulesetsv1
CIS: Security Eventssecurityeventsapiv1
CIS: SSL/TLSsslcertificateapiv1
CIS: User Agent Blocking Rulesuseragentblockingrulesv1
CIS: WAF Settingswafapiv1
CIS: WAF Rule Groupswafrulegroupsapiv1
CIS: WAF Rule Packageswafrulepackagesapiv1
CIS: WAF Ruleswafrulesapiv1
CIS: Zone Firewall Access Ruleszonefirewallaccessrulesv1
CIS: Zone Lockdownzonelockdownv1
CIS: Zone Rate Limitszoneratelimitsv1
CIS: Zone Settingszonessettingsv1
CIS: Zoneszonesv1
PDNS: DNS Zonesdnszonesv1 dnssvcsv1
PDNS: Resource Recordsresourcerecordsv1 dnssvcsv1
PDNS: Permitted Networkspermittednetworksfordnszonesv1 dnssvcsv1
PDNS: Global Load Balancersgloballoadbalancersv1 dnssvcsv1
PDNS: DNS Servicesdnssvcsv1



The current version of this SDK: 0.49.0

There are a few different ways to download and install the Networking Go SDK project for use by your Go application:

go get command

Use this command to download and install the SDK to allow your Go application to use it:

go get -u github.com/IBM/networking-go-sdk

Go modules

If your application is using Go modules, you can add a suitable import to your Go application, like this:

import (

then run go mod tidy to download and install the new dependency and update your Go application's go.mod file.

dep dependency manager

If your application is using the dep dependency management tool, you can add a dependency to your Gopkg.toml file. Here is an example:

  name = "github.com/IBM/networking-go-sdk"
  version = "0.49.0"

then run dep ensure.

Using the SDK

For general SDK usage information, please see this link


If you are having difficulties using this SDK or have a question about the IBM Cloud services, please ask a question at Stack Overflow.


If you encounter an issue with the project, you are welcome to submit a bug report. Before that, please search for similar issues. It's possible that someone has already reported the problem.

Deprecation Notice

For deprecation notice, please see this link

Open source @ IBM

Find more open source projects on the IBM Github Page




This SDK project is released under the Apache 2.0 license. The license's full text can be found in LICENSE.