

IBM Cloud Object Storage - Java SDK

This package allows Java developers to write software that interacts with IBM Cloud Object Storage. It is a fork of the AWS SDK for Java library.


Changes to the SDK are tracked in the CHANGELOG.md file.

Quick start

You'll need:

These values can be found in the IBM Cloud UI by generating a 'service credential'.

Getting the SDK

The recommended way to use the IBM COS SDK for Java in your project is to consume it from Maven. Import the ibm-cos-java-sdk and specify the SDK Maven modules that your project needs in the dependencies:


Building from source

Once you check out the code from GitHub, you can build it using Maven:

mvn clean install

Using a Service Credential

From Release 2.1.0 you can source credentials directly from a Service Credential JSON document generated in the IBM Cloud console saved to ~/.bluemix/cos_credentials. The SDK will automatically load these providing you have not explicitly set other credentials during client creation. If the Service Credential contain HMAC keys the client will use those and authenticate using a signature, otherwise the client will use the provided API key to authenticate using bearer tokens.

Archive Tier Support

You can automatically archive objects after a specified length of time or after a specified date. Once archived, a temporary copy of an object can be restored for access as needed. Restore time may take up to 15 hours.

An archive policy is set at the bucket level by calling the setBucketLifecycleConfiguration method on a client instance. A newly added or modified archive policy applies to new objects uploaded and does not affect existing objects. For more detail, see the documentation.

Immutable Object Storage

Users can configure buckets with an Immutable Object Storage policy to prevent objects from being modified or deleted for a defined period of time. The retention period can be specified on a per-object basis, or objects can inherit a default retention period set on the bucket. It is also possible to set open-ended and permanent retention periods. Immutable Object Storage meets the rules set forth by the SEC governing record retention, and IBM Cloud administrators are unable to bypass these restrictions. For more detail, see the documentation. Immutable Object Storage does not support Aspera transfers via the SDK to upload objects or directories at this stage.

Accelerated Archive

Users can set an archive rule that would allow data restore from an archive in 2 hours or 12 hours.

LEGACY: Aspera high-speed transfer

Aspera high-speed transfer through the COS SDK using the cos-aspera library is now legacy. New users and applications should use the Aspera Transfer SDK instead. Existing users should begin new projects with the Aspera Transfer SDK and make plans to migrate existing applications. Users who use S3 for transfers and do not install cos-aspera are unaffected.

Getting help

Feel free to use GitHub issues for tracking bugs and feature requests, but for help please use one of the following resources:


This SDK is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt for more information.