Hello carbon vue3
This repo should help you get started with using Carbon with Vue3. The idea is that this app uses the best practices for starting a new app with Vue3 & Carbon.
Packages used
- Carbon Vue3
- Vite - this is the default for new Vue3 projects instead of WebPack
- Pinia - this replaces Vuex store
- i18next - this repo demonstrates how to include translations using i18next. All UI elements are translated and most content is translated.
- superagent - I like this package better than axios and use it here to demo making REST calls
- v-lazy-image - All images are lazy loaded via this package
- Husky - pre-commit hooks
- lint-staged - Run linters against staged git files
- commit-lint - Helps your team adhere to a commit convention
- cypress - Implement e2e tests with cypress to help screen PRs
Carbon styles
The carbon styles are imported as a pre-compiled css file. The fie is created by using sass on the command line to generate the css. See _carbon-90.scss for instructions on creating the css file.
Pages & Components
- Header with Side nav
- Side nav with divider
- Language selection in the header bar, login and switcher buttons are also included
- Home page
- cv-grid,cv-row,cv-column
- cv-aspect-ratio
- REST API examples integrated with Pinia store
- Fish page
- Fully translatable data table including controls and aria labels
- Slotted data & headings
- Searchable data
- cv-data-table-skeleton
- cv-data-table
- cv-data-table-action, cv-data-table-heading
- cv-data-table-row (expandable rows), cv-data-table-cell
- cv-button
- cv-toggle
- REST API examples integrated with Pinia store
- Bugs page
- cv-accordion-skeleton
- cv-accordion, cv-accordion-item
- cv-tag
- cv-icon-button
- slotted title and content for accordion
- REST API examples integrated with Pinia store
- Fun 3D card flipper css
- Build-a-bug
- cv-progress with custom icons
- Villagers page
- cv-content-switcher, cv-content-switcher-button
- cv-content-switcher-content
- REST API examples integrated with Pinia store
- Fun animated icons & chat bubbles
- Includes tailwind with basic Carbon colors theme
Coding guide
- Vue style guide The style guide is enforced with eslint-plugin-vue - Recommended.
- Prettier and eslint rules are enforced as pre-commit hooks via husky.
Recommended IDE Setup
VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).
Project Setup
nvm use 18
npm add -g pnpm
pnpm install
Compile and Hot-Reload for Development
pnpm run dev
Build and test locally
pnpm run local-build
Lint with ESLint
pnpm run lint
Update dependencies
pnpm update --interactive