

Accelerating Antimicrobial Discovery with Controllable Deep Generative Models and Molecular Dynamics

This work will be published in Nature Biomedical Engineering on March 11, 2021

URL : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41551-021-00689-x

De novo therapeutic design is challenged by a vast chemical repertoire and multiple constraints, e.g., high broad-spectrum potency and low toxicity. This project proposes CLaSS (Controlled Latent attribute Space Sampling) - an efficient computational method for attribute-controlled generation of molecules, which leverages guidance from classifiers trained on an informative latent space of molecules modeled using a deep generative autoencoder. We screen the generated molecules for additional key attributes by using deep learning classifiers in conjunction with novel features derived from atomistic simulations.



Phase 1: Autoencoder (VAE/WAE) Training

Phase 2: CLaSS (Controlled Latent attribute Space Sampling)


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  author={Das, Payel and Sercu, Tom and Wadhawan, Kahini and Padhi, Inkit and Gehrmann, Sebastian and Cipcigan, Flaviu and Chenthamarakshan, Vijil and Strobelt, Hendrik and Santos, Cicero dos and Chen, Pin-Yu and others},
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  author={Chenthamarakshan, Vijil and Das, Payel and Hoffman, Samuel C and Strobelt, Hendrik and Padhi, Inkit and Lim, KW and others},
  journal={arXiv: 2004.01215},