PoWER-BERT (Progressive Word-vector Elimination for inference time Reduction of BERT) is a novel scheme for improving BERT inference time for sentence classification tasks.
PoWER-BERT is based on identifying a new type of redundancy within the BERT model pertaining to the word-vectors. As part of the scheme, we design strategies for determining how many and which word-vectors to eliminate at each transformer block.
For more information, please refer to our ICML 2020 paper, which describes PoWER-BERT in detail and provides full results on a number of datasets for the sentence classification task.
Here are the results on the test sets of GLUE datasets <sup>1</sup>.
Method | CoLA | RTE | QQP | MRPC | SST-2 | MNLI-m | MNLI-mm | QNLI | STS-B | |
Test Accuracy | BERT-Base | 52.5 | 68.1 | 71.2 | 88.7 | 93.0 | 84.6 | 84.0 | 91.0 | 85.8 |
Test Accuracy | POWER-BERT | 52.3 | 67.4 | 70.2 | 88.1 | 92.1 | 83.8 | 83.1 | 90.1 | 85.1 |
Inference Time (ms) | BERT-Base | 898 | 3993 | 1833 | 1798 | 905 | 1867 | 1881 | 1848 | 881 |
Inference Time (ms) | POWER-BERT | 201 | 1189 | 405 | 674 | 374 | 725 | 908 | 916 | 448 |
Speedup | (4.5x) | (3.4x) | (4.5x) | (2.7x) | (2.4x) | (2.6x) | (2.1x) | (2.0x) | (2.0x) |
<sup>1</sup> Inference time reported on a K80 GPU for batch size of 128. We limit the accuracy loss for PoWER-BERT to be within 1%. Matthew’s Correlation reported for CoLA; F1-score for QQP and MRPC; Spearman Correlation for STS-B; Accuracy for the rest.
This code base has been tested with Python3.7, Tensorflow1.15 and Keras2.3.1.
All experiments presented here can be run on a GPU that has a least 12GB of RAM (this includes K80, P100, V100). There are few specific dependencies to be installed for use of the code base, you can install them with the command
pip install -r requirements.txt
Sentence (and sentence-pair) classification tasks
Before running this example you must download the GLUE data by running this script and unpack it to some directory $GLUE_DIR
. Next, download the BERT-Base
checkpoint and unzip it to some directory $BERT_BASE_DIR
. Note that our approach is generic and can work on other BERT models as well.
Training of PoWER-BERT
There are three steps involved in training the PoWER-BERT. We describe each of these steps below. This example code accelerates inference of BERT-Base
for the Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus (MRPC) corpus, which contains around 3,600 examples and can be completed in a few minutes to an hour depending on the GPU type.
Fine-tuning step
This step does fine-tuning of BERT-Base
on the downstream task.
Configuration-search step
This step introduces Soft-Extract layer after the self-attention module of each Transformer block. This is essential to generate the retention configuration which determines the number of word-vectors to be eliminated from each Transformer block.
Retraining step
This step replaces the Soft-Extract layers with Extract layers and retrains the model outputted from the previous step using the obtained retention configuration.
The above three steps are executed in sequence using the following commands.
export BERT_BASE_DIR=/path/to/bert/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12
export GLUE_DIR=/path/to/glue
export OUTPUT_DIR=/path/to/output/directory
mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
python --TASK "mrpc" \
--BERT_CONFIG_PATH $BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_config.json \
--CHECKPOINT_PATH $BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_model.ckpt \
--EPOCH 3 \
--LR_BERT 0.00006 \
--LAMBDA 0.003 \
We describe below each of the arguments in a little more detail.
Fine-tuning/downstream task. Valid values are: cola, rte, sst-2, qnli, mrpc, mnli-m, mnli-mm, qqp, sts-b.
Path to the configuration file containing parameters pertaining to the BERT architecture.
Path to the pre-trained BERT checkpoint. <br />
Path to the BERT vocabulary. <br />
Set the flag if the BERT model is cased. <br />
Directory containing the dataset files - there must be three files; train.tsv, dev.tsv and test.tsv inside this directory. <br />
Number of epochs for fine-tuning and re-training steps (for GLUE datasets typically 3-5 epochs are sufficient). <br />
Batch size to be used for training, validation and prediction - can be set to one of {4, 8, 16 ,32, 64}. <br />
Learning rate for Retention parameters for Soft-Extract layers - range: [10<sup>-4</sup>, 10<sup>-2</sup>]. <br />
Learning rate for rest of the parameters pertaining to the BERT model -range: [2×10<sup>-5</sup>, 6×10<sup>-5</sup>].<br />
Regularizer parameter to control trade-off between accuracy and inference time - range: [10<sup>-4</sup>, 10<sup>-3</sup>]. <br />
Output directory to store the trained model and log files. After successful completion of the script this shall contain (i) best fine-tuned checkpoint (ii) best re-trained checkpoint (iii) log file containing the validation accuracies and retention configuration..
Note: For MNLI dataset downloaded from GLUE, you may have to accordingly rename the test/dev files for the above script to run.
The task specific hyper-parameters for uncased English BERT used to obtain the results presented above are specified below:
Parameter | CoLA | RTE | QQP | MRPC | SST-2 | MNLI-m | MNLI-mm | QNLI | STS-B |
LR_BERT | 2e-5 | 3e-5 | 3e-5 | 6e-5 | 3e-5 | 3e-5 | 3e-5 | 3e-5 | 3e-5 |
LR_SOFT_EXTRACT | 1.5e-3 | 3e-3 | 1e-4 | 3e-3 | 5e-4 | 2e-4 | 1e-4 | 2e-4 | 3e-3 |
LAMBDA | 7e-3 | 1e-3 | 3e-4 | 3e-3 | 2e-4 | 1e-4 | 1e-4 | 1.5e-4 | 1e-3 |
BATCH_SIZE | 32 | 16 | 64 | 64 | 64 | 64 | 64 | 16 | 64 |
Evaluation/Prediction using PoWER-BERT
Evalutation using the PoWER-BERT can be carried out with the following command.
python --TASK "mrpc" \
--BERT_CONFIG_PATH $BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_config.json \
--CHECKPOINT_PATH /best/re-trained/checkpoint/obtained/above \
--RETENTION_CONFIG /retention/configuration/obtained/above \
--BATCH_SIZE 128 \
We describe below addtional arguments used for Evaluation/Prediction.
Set the flag to carry out evaluation/prediction on the dev.tsv/test.tsv file present in the DATA_DIR
Format of the model present at the CHECKPOINT_PATH
to be used for evaluation/prediction. Allowed values are {CKPT
, HDF5
is used for the .ckpt
TensorFlow model and HDF5
is used for the .hdf5
Keras model.
For a transformer with N blocks, this should be specified as N monotonically non-increasing comma separated values - the first value is generally the maximum sequence length used for the task. For example, for MRPC, to use all word-vectors at each of the 12 transformer blocks (as used for BERT-Base
), we can specify RETENTION_CONFIG="128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128". Another feasible setting is, for example, RETENTION_CONFIG="128,128,128,128,64,64,64,64,32,32,32,32". The optimum retention configuration for the task is however obtained from the training logs as stated above.
Set this flag during prediction (i.e. when PREDICT_ONLY
flag is set) if the dataset belongs to the GLUE Benchmark. This flag will save the predictions to be submitted to the GLUE evaluation server in the OUTPUT_DIR
NOTE: For both evalutation and prediction, RETENTION_CONFIG
is a mandatory argument that needs to be provided to the above python call. If not provided then a default value equal to Sequence length shall be used for evaluation/prediction.
Note: For evaluation mode the log file containing validation loss and accuracy is written in the OUTPUT_DIR
If you find the resource useful, you should cite the following paper:
title={PoWER-BERT: Accelerating BERT Inference via Progressive Word-vector Elimination},
author={Saurabh Goyal and Anamitra R. Choudhury and Saurabh M. Raje and Venkatesan T. Chakaravarthy and Yogish Sabharwal and Ashish Verma},