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The Swift-cfenv package provides structures and methods to parse Cloud Foundry-provided configuration variables, such as the port number, IP address, and URL of the application. It also provides default values when running the application locally.

This library determines if you are running your application "locally" or on the cloud (i.e. as a Cloud Foundry application), based on whether the VCAP_APPLICATION configuration variable is set. If not set, it is assumed you are running in "local" mode instead of "cloud mode".

For the implementation of this Swift package, we used as inspiration a similar module that had been developed for Node.js applications, node-cfenv.

Swift version

The latest version of Swift-cfenv works with the Swift 4.0 or newer. You can download this version of the Swift binaries by following this link.


The latest version of Swift-cfenv relies on the Configuration package to load and merge configuration data from multiple sources, such as environment variables or JSON files. In previous versions of Swift-cfenv, the library was responsible for accessing the environment variables directly. Moving forward, newer versions of Swift-cfenv will continue to depend on the configuration data loaded into a ConfigurationManager instance. For further details on the Configuration package, see its README file.


To leverage the Swift-cfenv package in your Swift application, you should specify a dependency for it in your Package.swift file:

 import PackageDescription

 let package = Package(
     name: "MyAwesomeSwiftProject",


    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/Kitura/Swift-cfenv.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "5.0.0")),


Once the Package.swift file of your application has been updated accordingly, you can import the CloudFoundryEnv and Configuration modules in your code:

import Configuration
import CloudFoundryEnv


let configFileURL: URL = ...


let configManager = ConfigurationManager()
// To load configuration data from a file or environment variables:
//configManager.load(url: configFileURL)
//             .load(.environmentVariables)

// Use the given port and binding host values to create a socket for our server...
let ip: String = configManager.bind
let port: Int = configManager.port


// Once the server starts, print the url value
print("Server is starting on \(configManager.url).")

The code snippet above gets the binding host and port values through the ConfigurationManager object, which your Swift application creates and populates according to its needs (e.g. a JSON file, environment variables, etc.). Swift-cfenv queries the ConfigurationManager instance to obtain those configuration properties that pertain to Cloud Foundry. These values are then used for binding the server. Also, the URL value for the application (also obtained from configuration properties) can be used for logging purposes as shown above.

The main purpose of this library is to simplify accessing the configuration values provided by Cloud Foundry.

Running your application in Cloud Foundry vs. locally

The following configuration properties are set when your application is running in Cloud Foundry as environment variables:

When running in Cloud Foundry, Swift-cfenv expects these properties to be loaded in the ConfigurationManager instance your application instantiates.

If the VCAP_APPLICATION isn't found when querying ConfigurationManager, it is then assumed that your application is running locally. For such cases, the ConfigurationManager instance returns values that are still useful for starting your application. Therefore, this Swift package can be used when running in Cloud Foundry and when running locally.



ConfigurationManager is a class provided by the Configuration Swift package. Swift-cfenv simply adds extension points to this class, which gives you direct access to the Cloud Foundry configuration data. In your Swift application, you probably will first load configuration data from a local JSON file (this allows you to run locally) and then from environment variables.

If you would like to create a JSON file that your application can leverage for local development, we recommend creating one that follows the following format:

Extensions for ConfigurationManager

An instance of the ConfigurationManager class has the following extended properties:

If no value can be determined for the port property, a default port of 8080 is assigned to it. Note that 8080 is the default port value used by applications running on Diego.

If running locally, the protocol used for the URLs will be http, otherwise it will be https. You can override this logic by specifying a particular protocol using the protocol property on the options parameter.

If the actual hostnames cannot be determined when running on the cloud (i.e. in Cloud Foundry), the url and urls values will have localhost as their hostname value.

The following are the instance method extensions for a ConfigurationManager object:


App is a structure that contains the following VCAP_APPLICATION environment variable properties:


The App.Limits structure contains the memory, disk, and number of files for an application instance:


Service is a class that contains the following properties for a Cloud Foundry service:

Testing on the IBM Cloud

To test this Swift library on the IBM Cloud, you can follow the steps described in this section which use the IBM Cloud command line.

Create a dummy service named cf-dummy-service:

bx service user-provided-create cf-dummy-service -p "url, username, password, database"

The IBM Cloud command line will then prompt you for the following (please enter some reasonable values):

url> http://swift-cfenv-service.test.com
username> username00
password> password00
database> CloudantDB

Once the dummy service is created, you can clone IBM Cloud's swift-helloworld application using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/IBM-Bluemix/swift-helloworld.git

Then push the swift-helloworld application using the following command:

bx app push

Once the application is successfully pushed, you need to bind the service you created previously to the new application and then restage the application:

bx service bind swift-helloworld cf-dummy-service

bx app restage swift-helloworld

After the application is restaged, you can visit the route (i.e. URL) assigned to the app and you should see the output of various Swift-cfenv invocations.


This Swift package is licensed under Apache 2.0. Full license text is available in LICENSE.