


A sample web application for authentication using Kitura-Credentials

🚫 This project is no longer maintained. Replacement credentials sample can be found as part of Kitura-Sample

Build Status - Master Mac OS X Linux Apache 2


This is a sample Kitura application for authentication using Kitura-Credentials. See instructions for Installation on OS X or Installation on Linux.

This sample shows both redirecting authentication with sessions using Facebook and Google login, and non-redirecting HTTP Basic and Digest authentication, and authentication with Facebook or Google OAuth token.

KituraCredentialsDemo application is a sample iOS application that shows the client side of authentication with OAuth tokens.

Swift version

The latest version of Kitura-Credentials-Sample requires Swift 4.0. You can download this version of the Swift binaries by following this link. Compatibility with other Swift versions is not guaranteed.

Table of Contents

Running Kitura-Credentials-Sample with Facebook and Google web login

This section is only relevant to Facebook and Google web login. If you are only interested in HTTP or OAuth token authentication, you can skip this section.

In order to use Facebook and Google web login, application instances must be created on Facebook and Google websites.


  1. To create an application instance on Facebook's website, go to Facebook developers page page, and add a new app. Choose Website as your platform. Follow the steps to create a new app.

  2. Go to Developer dashboard and copy App Id and App Secret to PagesCredentials.swift:

let fbClientId = // Put App Id here
let fbClientSecret = // Put App Secret here
  1. Configure Facebook callback URL in PagesCredentials.swift. It should be your Site URL as you configured it on Facebook plus /login/facebook/callback:
let fbCallbackUrl = // Put your callback URL here


  1. Go to Google developers console page, and create a new project.

  2. Go to Credentials tab, click Create credentials and choose OAuth client ID.

  3. Tap Configure consent screen and fill in the details.

  4. Back to Credentials, choose Web application as your application type. In order to enable callbacks from Google, type your server URL plus /login/google/callback in Authorized redirect URIs - this is required to make Google authentication work.

  5. Now you should see the app you just created in Credentials tab. Click on its name, and copy Client ID and Client secret to PagesCredentials.swift:

let googleClientId = // Put Client Id here
let googleClientSecret = // Put Client Secret here
  1. Set your Google callback URL in PagesCredentials.swift:
let googleCallbackUrl = // Put your callback URL here

Build and run Kitura-Credentials-Sample

  1. swift build

You should see message Listening on port 8080. The result executable is located in .build/debug directory: ./.build/debug/KituraCredentialsSample

  1. For Facebook/Google login, open your browser at http://localhost:8080/private/pages/data.

  2. For HTTP authentication, open http://localhost:8080/private/api/data. For this path, Digest authentication will be performed.

  3. For HTTP Basic authentication, open your browser at http://localhost:8080/private/basic/api/data.

  4. For Facebook/Google OAuth token authentication, run KituraCredentialsDemo as explained in the next section.

Running KituraCredentialsDemo

KituraCredentialsDemo application is a sample iOS application that shows the client side of authentication with OAuth tokens. After signing in using either Facebook or Google the user can request private data from Kitura-Credentials-Sample server. The app sends a request to /private/api/data with either Facebook or Google OAuth token.

1. Create an application instance on Facebook and Google

In order to enable Facebook and Google sign in the app, you have to create application instances.

  1. To create an application instance on Facebook's website, first go to Facebook's Quick Start for iOS page. Type CredentialsDemo as the name of your new Facebook app and click the Create New Facebook App ID button.

  2. On the screen that follows, in the Configure your info.plist section under step 2, copy the information into your info.plist file. You can find the info.plist file in Configuration folder of the Xcode project. If you have trouble finding the CFBundleURLType key, note that Xcode changes the CFBundleURLType key to URL types when the key is entered.

  3. Next scroll to the bottom of the quick start page where it says Supply us with your Bundle Identifier and enter the app's bundle identifier.

  4. Once you entered the bundle ID on the Facebook quick start page, click next. That's it for the Facebook quick start setup.

  1. Go to Enable Google services for your app page, and create a new project: type CredentialsDemo as the name of your new app, and enter the app's bundle id.

  2. Now press the Continue and configure services button.

  3. On the screen that follows, choose Google Sign-In service and press the Enable Google Sign-In button.

  4. Press the Generate configuration files button. On the next screen press Download GoogleService-Info.plist. Drag the downloaded GoogleService-Info.plist file into the KituraCredentialsDemo directory of KituraCredentialsDemo project.

  5. Open Configuration/Info.plist in Xcode. Under URL Types create a new item and paste your REVERSED_CLIENT_ID into the URL Schemes field (you can find your REVERSED_CLIENT_ID in the GoogleService-Info.plist file). Create another new item and type your bundle identifier in the URL Schemes field.

Now configure LSApplicationQueriesSchemes in Info.plist: add an item with fbauth2 and another item with Google's REVERSED_CLIENT_ID.

After completing the above steps your Info.plist file should look like this:

<p align="center"> <img src="img/infoplist.png" alt="Drawing" height=250 border=0 /></p> <p align="center">Figure 1. Info.plist file.</p>

2. Install needed CocoaPods

Go to the KituraCredentialsDemo directory and run:

pod install


This sample app is licensed under Apache 2.0. Full license text is available in LICENSE.