

Logistics Wizard / Architecture / logistics-wizard-recommendation

Logistics Wizard - Weather Recommendation

This service monitors the weather conditions around retail stores and makes recommendations on additional shipments of goods.

It is built with IBM Cloud Functions highlighting how Functions can be used to implement a backend API. The Functions actions are:

Simulating weather events

For demo purpose, the Recommend action can be called interactively to inject a weather event into the system.


<details> <summary></summary> custom_mark10 digraph G { node [fontname = "helvetica"]; rankdir=TB; weather -> recommend; recommend -> database; database -> notify; ui -> retrieve; retrieve -> database; ui -> acknowledge; acknowledge -> database; recommend -> erp; ui -> erp; {rank=same; recommend -> notify -> retrieve -> retrieve [style=invis] }; {rank=source; weather -> erp -> ui [style=invis]}; weather [shape=rect label="Weather Company Data service" style=filled color="%234E96DB" fontcolor=white]; recommend [label="Recommend" color="%232e8c70" style=filled fontcolor=white]; notify [label="Notify" color="%232e8c70" style=filled fontcolor=white]; retrieve [label="Retrieve" color="%232e8c70" style=filled fontcolor=white]; acknowledge [label="Acknowledge" color="%232e8c70" style=filled fontcolor=white]; erp [shape=rect label="ERP service" color="%238ec843" style=filled]; ui [label="Dashboard" color="%23e8c228" style=filled]; database [shape=circle width=1 fixedsize=true style=filled color="%234E96DB" fontcolor=white label="Database"]; custom_mark10 </details>

Running the app on IBM Cloud

  1. If you do not already have a IBM Cloud account, sign up here.

  2. The Recommendation service depends on the Controller and ERP microservices. Deploy them first.

  3. Create an instance of Cloudant to store the recommendations.

ibmcloud service create cloudantNoSQLDB Lite logistics-wizard-recommendation-db
  1. Create a set of credentials for this service.
ibmcloud service key-create logistics-wizard-recommendation-db for-openwhisk
  1. View the credentials and take note of the url value.
ibmcloud service key-show logistics-wizard-recommendation-db for-openwhisk
  1. Clone the app to your local environment from your terminal using the following command.
git clone https://github.com/IBM-Cloud/logistics-wizard-recommendation.git
  1. Change directory using cd logistics-wizard-recommendation.

  2. Copy the file named template-local.env into local.env.

cp template-local.env local.env
  1. In local.env, update the location of the CONTROLLER_SERVICE, and the url of the Cloudant database.

  2. Get the dependencies, and use webpack module bundler to create our final .js actions in the dist folder.

npm install
npm run build
  1. Ensure your IBM Cloud Functions command line interface is property configured with:
ibmcloud cloud-functions list

This shows the packages, actions, triggers and rules currently deployed in your Functions namespace.

  1. Deploy the Functions artifacts
./deploy.sh --install

Note: the script can also be used to --uninstall the Functions artifacts to --update the artifacts if you change the action code, or simply with --env to show the environment variables set in local.env.

Code Structure

deploy.shHelper script to create the recommendations database, install, uninstall, update the Functions trigger, actions, rules.
template-local.envContains environment variables used by the deployment script. Duplicate this file into local.env to customize it for your environment.
package.jsonList dependencies used by the actions and the build process.
webpack.config.jsWebpack configuration used to build Functions actions. This allows the actions to use modules (module versions) not packaged natively by Functions. Make sure to add explicit dependencies in the package.json for specific module versions used by the actions. The webpack build will look at the "dependencies" and webpack them. If a module is not listen in "dependencies" it is assumed to be provided by Functions.
recommend.jsEntry point for the Recommend action.
prepare-for-slack.jsEntry point for the Notify action. It formats newly added recommendations into a text suitable for a Slack post message.
retrieve.jsEntry point for the Retrieve action.
acknowledge.jsEntry point for the Acknowledge action.
testUnit test for the actions to be executed outside of Functions.


Polling activations is good start to debug the Functions action execution. Run

ibmcloud cloud-functions activation poll

and invoke actions.


See License.txt for license information.


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