


gama_annot pipeline with Nextflow

Annotate vcf files using annovar + additional scripts. Works for Mutect2, Strelka2 and HaplotypeCaller outputs


  1. Nextflow : for common installation procedures see the IARC-nf repository.

  2. Install annovar.

  3. Environment

    A conda receipe, and docker and singularity containers are available with all the tools needed to run the pipeline (see "Usage")

    conda env create -f environment.yml

Use Annovar with strelka vcf

If the vcf files to annotate are from Strelka2 but were not generated using IARCbioinfo Strelka2 pipeline, first run fixStrelkaOutput.sh. This will add GT field (mandatory for Annovar)


nextflow run iarcbioinfo/gama_annot-nf -r master -latest -profile singularity --annovarDBlist Dblist.txt --annovarDBpath /data/annnovar/hg38db/ --annovarBinPath ~/bin/annovar/ --input_folder vcf_folder/


--input_folderFOLDERFolder containing vcf to process
--annovarDBlistFILEFile with two columns : protocols and operations (see example below)
 --annovarDBpathPATHPath to annovarDB
 --annovarBinPathPATHPath to table_annovar.pl
--passSTRINGfilter flags, comma separated list
--tagsSTRINGtags to remove in input file names
--cpu INTNumber of used by table_annovar.pl default (8)
--memINTSize of memory used by gama_annot in GB default (64)

Help section

You can print the help manual by providing --help in the execution command line:

nextflow run iarcbioinfo/gama_annot-nf --help

This shows details about optional and mandatory parameters provided by the user.


This is the location of annovar perl scripts on your system.


The annovarDBpath is where your annovar database is located. This folder is created using the annotate_variation.pl script from annovar. The name of the folder should be genomedb (for example hg38db or mm10db). You also need to add in the same folder the reference of your genome for the context annotation (specific ".fa" file compatible with the specific context annotation)


The annovarDBlist file is where you can choose annotations databases. See example hg38_listAVDB.txt in demo folder. Each line is database accessible in annovarDBpath.


The following is an example of config for gama_annot:

profiles {

        hg38 {
                params {
                   annovarBinPath = '/data/annovar/bin/'
                   annovarDBpath = '/data/annovarDB/hg38db/'
				   annovarDBlist = '/data/annovar/hg38_listAVDB.txt'