


Tumor segmentation with CFLOW-AD:

Unsupervised tumor segmentation method using an adapted version of CFlow, an anomaly detection model. This model was trained to learn the distribution of tumor tiles extracted from whole slide images (WSI), so that non-tumor areas could be detected at the time of inference.


Install all packages with this command:

$ conda env create -f environment.yml


This method has been tested for 3 types of histological images:

These two dataset are available on request from mathiane[at]iarc[dot]who[dot]int and will soon be available online.

Code Organization

Training Models

bash Run/Train/TumorNormal/TrainToyDataKi67.sh

Testing Pretrained Models

bash Run/Test/TumorNormal/TestToyDataset.sh

Results exploration

For each tile, results_table.csv summarises:

The distributions of these score are used to segment the WSI.

An example of result exploration for the segmentation of HE/HES WSI is given in ExploreResultsHETumorSeg.html.

Get tumor segmentation map

The TumorSegmentationMaps.py script is used to create the tumour segmentation map for a WSI. An example configuration is given in ExRunTumorSegmentationMap.sh. The results of this script are stored in the Example_SegmentationMap_PHH3 folder, which also gives an example of the model's performance in segmenting a PHH3-immunostained WSI.