


Pipeline to compute polygenic risk scores


Type --help to get the full list of options. All parameters are prefixed with a double-dash like in --help.

NameExample valueDescription
bgen_listbgen_list.txtTxt file containing the list of bgen files to consider (one file per chromosome)
base_filebase.txtfile containing association analysis results for SNPs on the base phenotype
pheno_filepheno.txtphenotype file: the first two column of the phenotype file should be the FID and the IID and the rest of the columns the phenotypes

For more details on the files content, see PRSice2 documentation


NameExample valueDescription
bgenixbgenixpath to bgenix executable
PRSice_pathpath_PRSicepath to PRSice scripts
NameExample valueDescription
a1_col4Column number associated with the effect allele (Default value is 4)
a2_col5Column number associated with the reference allele (Default value is 5)
qual_val0.3Quality threshold. Any SNPs with a value bellow this threshold will be excluded. (Default value is 0)
pval_thr0.0001,0.1,1pvalue threshold to consider to select SNPs to include in the PRS

To install:

Nextflow command line

nextflow run  IARCbioinfo/PRSice-nf \
  --base_file base.txt \
  --pheno_file /data/gep/MR_Signatures/work/gabriela/GIT_Rstudio_project/results/PRSice_res/TCGA_samples.txt  --pval_thr 1 \
  --output_name ${trait} --output_folder /data/gcs/prs-computation/work/gabriela/PRS_R_project/results/PRSice_res/${trait}/ \
  --bgenix path_to_bgenix --PRSice_path path_to_PRSice \
  --bgen_list bgen_list.txt \
  --bgen_snps_perCHR /data/gep/MR_Signatures/work/gabriela/GIT_Rstudio_project/results/PRSice_res/TCGA_bgen_SNPs/ --qual_val 0.3