


Barlow Twins for Lung Neuroendocrine Neoplasms:

Unsupervised deep learning model trained to extract features from images. The adaptation we propose here is dedicated to learning the features of the tiles making up whole slide images of Lung Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (LNENs). The encoded vectors created by the Barlow twins of tiles sharing common pathological features are assumed to be closer in latent space than less similar tiles, as demonstrated for the first time by A. Quiros and colleagues.


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$ conda env create -f environment.yml


This model was trained on 259 HE-stained WSIs of LNEN. The WSIs were cut into 384x384 pixel tiles and the colors were normalized using Vahadane's color deconvolution method. Pre-processing scripts are available in https://github.com/IARCbioinfo/WSIPreprocessing. The ~4.1M pre-processed tiles aer available on request from mathiane@iarc.who.int.

Training Model

bash Bash/Train/TrainToyDataset.sh 

Testing Pretrained Models

bash Bash/Test/TumorNormal/TestToyModel.sh

Explore Barlow Twins encoded vectors