


tricks to use the European Genome-Phenome Archive from the European Bioinformatics Institute

Downloading data from the EGA API

1. Requesting the dataset or files

To request the dataset with ID EGADXXXXXXXXXXXX, type

java -jar EgaDemoClient.jar -p email password -rfd EGADXXXXXXXXXXXX -re abc -label request_EGADXXXXXXXXXXXX

where 'email' and 'password' are the login and password of your EGA account, -re enables to specify an encryption key (here 'abc'), and -label enables to specify the request label that will be used to download the data.

To request the data file with ID EGAFXXXXXXXXXXXX, type

java -jar EgaDemoClient.jar -p email password -rf	EGAFXXXXXXXXXXXX -re abc -label request_EGAFXXXXXXXXXXXX

2. Downloading the encrypted dataset

To download the request (either a dataset or a file), type

java -jar EgaDemoClient.jar -p email password -dr request_EGAXXXXXXXXXXXXX -nt 4

where -nt enables to specify the number of parallel download streams (the more the faster the download).

3. Decrypting the encrypted files

To decrypt the downloaded files, type

java -jar EgaDemoClient.jar -p email password -dc path_to_file1 path_to_file2 -dck abc

where -dck enables to specify the encryption key (should match that given in step 1).