

I2V-Adapter: A General Image-to-Video Adapter for Video Diffusion Models

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<p align="left"> <img src="assets/teaser_1227_v2.png"> </p>

šŸ”† Introduction

This is a PyTorch/GPU implementation of the paper I2V-Adapter: A General Image-to-Video Adapter for Video Diffusion Models

āœØ Code and pretrained models are coming soon, please stay tuned āœØ

<!-- ## šŸ“ Changelog - __[2023.12.27]__: Release [I2V-Adapter](https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.16693) Technical Report! - __[2023.12.30]__: Update repo [I2V-Adapter](https://github.com/I2V-Adapter/I2V-Adapter-repo) ## BibTeX If this repo is useful to you, please cite the corresponding technical paper. ```bibtex @article{guo2023i2vadapter, title={I2V-Adapter: A General Image-to-Video Adapter for Video Diffusion Models}, author={Xun Guo and Mingwu Zheng and Liang Hou and Yuan Gao and Yufan Deng and Chongyang Ma and Weiming Hu and Zhengjun Zha and Haibin Huang and Pengfei Wan and Di Zhang}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.16693}, year={2023}, } ``` -->

šŸ¤— Acknowledgements

Codebase builds on Diffusers and AnimateDiff.

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